

[英語週報] 第42週 10/18 - 10/24



Japanese follows English. (日本語は英語のあとで)

October 18, 2021 (Mon.)

I fell asleep last night and I had much time to sleep, but I was still tired and could not get up easily. The long distance running made my body more tired than I expected.

Since every Monday morning has a company-wide morning meeting, I finally got up and started to work at home. I did some weekly tasks for preparing as usual this morning due to organization management, and I had 5 meetings. I was not hungry during the day, so I drunk a cup of coffee and had some chocolate which I bought yesterday. I was finally hungry in the evening, then I ordered a dipping noodle with tomato soup via Uber Eats.

After work, I headed to a hotel which is one of Marriott Bonvoy. This is one of the hotel which I want to stay at once. While I spend time to write this diary in English, I hope that I can sleep well on the confortable bed because I didn't get enough sleep yesterday.


月曜の朝は早いので、がんばって起きて家で仕事スタート。午前中は週単位でのやることの準備が必要なのでタスクをこなしながら、会議5本実施。昼間は全然おなかがすかず、昨日買ったチョコとコーヒーで充分だった。夕方ようやくおなかがすいたので、Uber eatsでトマトつけ麺をオーダーして食す。


October 19, 2021 (Tue.)

I had breakfast at the restaurant of the hotel, and I went to the office. I felt that the morning commuting situation was back to normal which was before COVID-19.
The number of colleagues I could meet was increasing, and I could did 1-on-1 meetings in the meeting room, not Zoom. There are some limitation of remote working.

I finished work later than I expected, and went grocery shopping then returned to home. I made 2 meal preps which I could not make them last weekend, and I cooked dinner. Actually, I planned one more meal prep, but I changed my mind to cook ratatouille using them. My partner always didn't have his dinner which was fresh out of the kitchen, so I thought that it was okay for him if he was back home late.

He came back around 10 p.m., so we drunk with dinner, and talked about his work after November. He will need to do 3 works at the same time at multiple locations, so he will not update his lease contract in mid-November. His luggage in Osaka will be sent to his hometown and his main area will be his hometown which is Nagoya. I will write another note what I felt when I heard his decision.

We felt the buzz and went to bed. Recently I could sleep well even if I sleep with him.





October 20, 2021 (Wed.)

I had a sleep again after I saw him off. I felt that I had not recovered yet. He also said same things, though.
Anyway, my schedule was full of meetings all day long including 1-on-1 meetings with non-Japanese members, and the evening had come before I knew it.

I went running after work to have a spice curry. It was so cold that I changed my running wear from short pants and T-shirt to long tights and long sleeves T-shirt, and I felt very cold when I stopped running. It took about 5km to arrive at the curry shop. I felt that this curry was the hottest curry that I had eaten recently.
It looks not too much, but I was so full. So I could only run 2km to get back home.



October 21, 2021 (Thu.)

There were many meetings today, but a one-minute English presentation to vice presidents in the evening was a big task for me. Because the meeting was a company-wide award council for last month, and I needed to aim to get the 2nd prize or more, but there were 6 nominees. Although I could get 2nd prize, and I felt very tired after the council. So I prepared in a hurry, and I went to my personal trainer's studio.

While I worked out with him, my trainer could loosen up my tight muscles. So I could run easily. After his training, I went to another new curry shop which is near Hommachi. That shop is already providing some drinks, but I wanted to run another 10km, so I endured no-alcohol and had a spicy cutlet curry for dinner. Finally I ran 12km in total. I will need to go to the office, so I will not go running tomorrow.



October 22, 2021 (Fri.)

I went to work early to create the organizational plan of my section that came up with when I talked with another vice senior manager yesterday. I could meet many members of my section, and some of the members could meet with me at the first time today. That atmosphere is one pros point of "Return To Office" countermeasure.

I had so many meetings in a day at the office, so I was in the meeting room a whole day. After work, I went back home directly, and I ordered another spicy curry from a shop which I was interested in via Uber Eats. The curry called "Potage Curry". It had a nice mild spicy flavor as its name suggested, and I liked it. I fell asleep earlier than usual because I was very tired due to office work and sudden cool.


オフィスとはいえ、朝から夕方までほぼ会議室で会議。今日はまっすぐ帰宅して、気になっていたスパイスカレーをUber eatsでオーダー。ポタージュと名前がついているとおり、辛くてもまろやかな感じのするカレーで大満足。急に寒くなったのもあり、オフィス勤務も疲れたのか、早々に就寝。

October 23, 2021 (Sat.)

The first event was to go jogging aiming to run to Sakuya Konohana Kan as same as last Saturday. You can have some spicy curries from 5 famous curry shops at once on this day. But 3 shops had so many waiting customers for each in line that I gave up to try 2 of them. Finally, I could eat 3 types of the spicy curry from Osaka.

The second event was to go to a live show at Royal Horse, which is a restaurant with live music. Hiroshi Madoka is one of the famous musicians in Osaka, and I have become a big fan of him for about 20 years. He always holds his concert at a big hall, so this type of live show is rare for him. I enjoyed his music in front of him while drinking, and he allowed me to have a photo session with him between his sessions. I was very relaxed.



October 24, 2021 (Sun.)

This is the first time for me to go to Myoken mountain without any transportation! This round trip course starts from Minoh station, and the half way point is the top of Myoken mountain. It's 40 km there and back. Of course, I ran with 7 running buddies. That made me exhausted, but I hope that it will help my running condition to become better.

We healed at a Japanese style spa and bath near Minoh, then we had a petit party at a restaurant. But I needed to go to Nagai stadium to watch a Cerezo match, so I drank only a glass of beer and then left from there. Today's match was very exciting. I would like to re-watch the match, which was recorded as a TV program, later.

My partner arranged his schedule around the time I arrived home, and he came to my house. What a fulfilling weekend it was.





