
24|音楽|英語|WEB Designer|🇦🇺 ワーホリ 2024.11~|英語と教育…


24|音楽|英語|WEB Designer|🇦🇺 ワーホリ 2024.11~|英語と教育に関わりたい 🌒


  • 🪡 random thoughts

  • 🎧 music ♪

    カネコアヤノ / クリープハイプ / andymori / 踊ってばかりの国 / 羊文学 / くるり などを好んで聴きます。

  • 🇦🇺 2024.11~

  • 🍋 my English journey


  • someone’s post


  • 固定された記事


新年、明けましておめでとうございます。 おめでとうの言葉が言いにくいって悲しいものね。気持ちばかりの募金しかできないけれど、平穏で安らかな日々がいち早く皆さまのもとに訪れるようにとただ祈っております。 さてさて毎年恒例、今年度の抱負とやらを先に note で整理しようかな〜と思っております。週末の三連休でもう少し具体的に、Rollbahn のスケジュール帳にもまとめたいところ。色々あって、年始早々頭の中がこんがらがっている。誰かに相談するよりも先に、文字として書き込み、とり

    • I'm melting

      It’s too hot this summer, isn’t it? It’s almost unbearable. This heat keeps me from tight sleep and drains my energy. On top of that, it gives me nightmares. (Oh, come on!) But, today I don't remember the dream I had last night. Just the un

      • どんなになっても、家族。

        家族って複雑だな〜。 と考えたことのある人の割合は、意外と多いのでは。 日常生活をただ単に送るだけでは見えてこないけど、誰かの note を覗くと悩みの種がゴロゴロ転がっていて。友人や会社の人に深い話ってあまりしないじゃない、ましてや家族についてなんてちょっとディープ過ぎて深入りしにくい。話し始めるこっちが気ぃ使うわい。 当たり前かもしれないけど、家族は家族で、他の誰にも何にも替え難い。 恋人も友人も馬が合わなければ付き合いをやめればいいし、言い方は悪いけど、選択権は自分

        • Guinea pig

          I had another strange dream. Are you sick of hearing about my weird dreams? Yeah, so am I. But I’m gonna keep writing about them. In my dream, I was trapped in a facility, and unable to leave for some reason. People who seem employees force

        • 固定された記事



        • 🪡 random thoughts
        • 🎧 music ♪
        • 🇦🇺 2024.11~
        • 🍋 my English journey
        • someone’s post



          I’m quite fond of English idioms, such as ‘as vain as a peacock’ or ‘selling like hotcakes’, coz I can sense the cultural differences in them. Though, we all probably have a similar understanding of peacocks: they have gorgeous green feath



          On second thoughts, I enjoy interacting with people. I’m not a social butterfly or party animal kind of person, but it always brings me joy to learn about others’ interests and ideas. It helps me open new doors and see things from different


          A weapon

          This morning, as usual, I was listening to a podcast in which two guys were answering listeners' questions. Today’s topic was “Crushing over a decade” (How bittersweet that would be.) A woman in her 20s has had a crush on a man since elemen

          A weapon

          Volatile emotions

          This early morning, I was awakened by the sky, who was bursting into tears while screaming as if in despair, almost like it were the last day of the world. Umm, he has such volatile emotions that no human can ever calm. What’s on his mind?

          Volatile emotions

          Troublesome person

          As I expose myself to the English language, I realize it stirs my curiosity and makes me want to shout ‘That’s why I love English!’. I actually don’t do that, but almost every day, I’m driven such an impulse. When I start talking about some

          Troublesome person

          Evil side

          While I didn’t much care about my pronunciation till the online lessons started, now I find joy in it. It’s so much fun if I can pronounce words properly, like the R or L sounds, which don’t exist in Japanese. I’m still not used to moving m

          Evil side

          The courage to be disliked

          Have you ever read the book “The Courage to Be Disliked”? well, even though it’s a well-known book, I’ve never read it in either English or Japanese. This morning, I watched a someone’s Youtube video where she introduced the book and summed

          The courage to be disliked


          I started watching a new drama on Netflix ‘Manifest’. The story is about an aircraft that experiences turbulence, and something mysterious happens to the passengers. For some reason, 5 years have passed since they took off, even though they

          Pleasant world

          I have poor eyesight, so the world through my eyes always feels a little blurred. I rarely wear grasses except for meetings coz seeing the world clearly brings me unpleasant feelings, feel like something is unsettled. This can lead to misun

          Pleasant world


          This morning, I watched a someone’s Youtube video about journaling that inspired me to rethink my journaling style. I write down whatever comes to mind, what is happening in life, and stuff like that. It can be self-reflection for myself, f


          “Only thing you can see at the bottom is yourself” is a phrase from a Netflix drama ‘Eric’. Every single word from dramas captivates me more when I watch with English subtitles than when it’s in Japanese, as I have to pay close attention to


          梅雨は明けたんか?ってぐらいのかんかん照り。太陽光、まぶし。 今朝は、今夏初の蝉の音を聞いてしみじみ。その度に、幼少期を田舎の青々とした緑と、田んぼに囲まれて過ごしてみたかったな〜と思う。 まぁそのうち蝉の音も煩わしくなるんだろうけど。 季節の変化には敏感でありたいわよね。そうゆう感性って、一番失いたくないものかも。 さて、オーストラリアワーホリまで 残り4か月。 英語学習ではスピーキングに力を入れ始めました。(やっと) 今回の記事では、最近の英語学習についての振り返り
