
Volatile emotions

This early morning, I was awakened by the sky, who was bursting into tears while screaming as if in despair, almost like it were the last day of the world. Umm, he has such volatile emotions that no human can ever calm. What’s on his mind? He’s been upset these days, despite being in a good mood till a few weeks ago. A holiday is coming for the first time in around 2 months, but he might not let us enjoy it; we have to go along with his mood. (damn!)

I'm wondering about the characteristics of my Japanese and English. I haven’t figured out my English style yet or how others perceive it. Hmm, my mind has been messed up! Today, English words aren't flowing to me as smooth as butter! Ah, okay, I love that phrase 'as smooth as butter'. Thank you for coming to mind! It sounds like I have a volatile emotion just like him.

Hope you have a lovely day.

[ memo ] 
・that's the spirit
・break up monotony
・garner = collect, gather

