

I’m quite fond of English idioms, such as ‘as vain as a peacock’ or ‘selling like hotcakes’, coz I can sense the cultural differences in them. Though, we all probably have a similar understanding of peacocks: they have  gorgeous green feathers, and we can imagine easily them spreading their wings excessively(vainly) as if showing off. Therefore, ’as vain as a peacock’ makes so much sense to me. But what about hotcakes? That one definitely reflects American culture! Its origin traces back to the pioneer era, when people often sold hotcakes near churches or bazaars, and they were especially popular right after being fleshly baked, selling out quickly. (Of course, this Information is off of the internet.) In Japanese, ‘飛ぶように売れる’ has a similar meaning, but I never knew where hotcakes came from! Hmm, interesting, indeed. Don't you think so?

I love the English language. Exploring the differences between English and my native language has always fascinated me. I love expressing myself through words. I love the moments when I encounter words that evoke beauty, uniqueness, and solitude thorough books and movies. In fact, I was inspired by someone’s post I saw yesterday, which made me think ‘I want to speak freely and confidently about whatever I like’. That's the ideal.

Have a lovely day.

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 →Smartphone is handy. Your advice really comes in handy.

