
A weapon

This morning, as usual, I was listening to a podcast in which two guys were answering listeners' questions. Today’s topic was “Crushing over a decade” (How bittersweet that would be.) A woman in her 20s has had a crush on a man since elementary, and she can’t still give up on him. He’s on her mind for nearly a decade. However, the only connection between them is LINE, and she totally has no idea if he’s already taken or not. I would say to her, ‘Well, the possibility is very low, but you’ll never know how he feels about you unless you take action.’ I think my answer is realistic, but it might hurt her at the same time. One speaker on the show said like this, “It’s up to you if you continue it or put a period on that beautiful story.” When I herd this, I was like ‘Put a period on that beautiful story!? How romantic his English sounds!’ That is, that’s the kind of expression I’ve always longed to use, with a poetic sense and without hurting anyone.

Most people say speaking English allows them to be straightforward, feel free, and true to themselves. I agree. But in my opinion, this doesn’t mean they can directly tell whatever they think and hurt someone with their words. Words can be softened and sharpened depending on how the person uses them. I want to use words in a more beautiful and thoughtful way, not as weapons. (As long as someone arbitrarily hurts me with their words, my words might turn into weapons to protect myself :D)

Have a lovely day.

[ New Words ]
・put a period on~
 →You put a period on our relationship.

