
I'm melting

It’s too hot this summer, isn’t it? It’s almost unbearable. This heat keeps me from tight sleep and drains my energy. On top of that, it gives me nightmares. (Oh, come on!) But, today I don't remember the dream I had last night. Just the uncomfortable feeling it left behind. Btw, after the summer ends, another summer will be waiting for me in Australia. Hilarious, enough. I have a mix of anxiety and excitement, but taking risks is something that leads to success, or what I want to be, probably. Well, what I want to be is still vague, covered by fog, but at least I need to try to blow away the fog. Taking action is the first step for everything; it may shed some light on my goals.

My brain is still asleep and isn't working as I expect. That may be because it's the first day of the week. My mind and my brain aren't exactly the same to me. As you know, I always perceive them as separated things. Does that make sense?

Hope you’re staying hydrated enough. Have a lovely day.
