
This is a summary of the decisions of the Intellectual Property High Court.

This is a summary of patent infringement injunction cases in which invalidation of patent rights was the point of contention.

Since the date of establishment of the Intellectual Property High Court was April 1, 2005 (Heisei 17), we extracted judgments made after this date up to July 14 of this year (2022).

As for the cases, there were 342 cases of "infringement lawsuits and other appeal cases" in about 17 years.

Surprisingly, 129 cases of "invalidation of the plaintiff's right" were among them.

It means that 38% of registered patents are invalid.

In addition, upon examination of the content of these documents, as noted in (Note), this is due to an oversight of the "X" document during the examination stage at the Japanese Patent Office.

It is proved that the patent was granted due to sloppy and half-hearted examination (search).

The deplorable state of affairs continues in Japan.

( 谷歌翻译 )

这意味着38%的注册专利是无效的。 此外,在审查这些文件的内容时,如(注)所述,这是由于日本专利局审查阶段对“X”文件的疏忽所致。
