








あ そういえば 昨日のライブも滑って大失敗
続けていれば 報われるの?
俺1人なら 奈落の底だけど今は
I don't care anymore, I don't care anymore

I don't care anymore, I don't care anymore
I couldn't be a star 理解してるけど
決めつけたら なれないだろ
何者にも I don't care anymore

全て受け止め 進むしかない

I don't care anymore
















































さっきの駅員さんマジ優しい。笑顔で対応してくれた男性、笑顔が印象的だった。こんなの自分で確認すればわかるだろレベルの質問をしてしまったけど、聞いてすぐ解決するなら聞いたほうが良いよね :)









ベンチとベンチの間に区切り。寝心地悪い、チャンピーノ空港。これはまさに、「anti-homeless' hostile architecture」。こんな風に、寢られないように設計されている👇。自分はホームレスじゃないけれど、なんでこんなにデザインに不親切にされなきゃいけないんだろうと思った。


ローマ - クラクフ
ライアンエアー · FR9660(エコノミークラス)
出発:2023年9月15日 06:30 チャンピーノ空港
到着:2023年9月15日 08:30 ヨハネパウロ2世国際空港




今回はてんこ盛りだった。自分はメモ魔なのだが、旅行中にメモしていたことをそのままコピペしたりしてたら、こんな文量に。楽しんでいただけたら幸いだ。でも、自己満足の側面が極めて強い笑 感想、コメント、お待ちしています!



Table of Contents

Writing on the Train in Italy
Discovering New Ways to Enjoy Music
Why Travel?
Scale of Cities and the Value of Travel
Roommates in the Hostel: The Dutch and the French

The Hostel Staff
Communication Beyond Words
Casual Talks and Japanese Punctuality
How to Handle Criticism
The Value of Meeting People
A Little Regret
The Purpose and Essence of Travel

Disliking Hidden Agendas
Peaceful Scenes
Lessons from Others
The Question of Expenses
Turkish Perspective
Not Wanting to Meet Japanese People
A Heartwarming Goodbye
Good Responses Lead to Good Days

Train Delays in Italy
Taxis Are Not So Bad
The Dark Side of Airport Society
Looking Forward to the Flight

I know, it's long but it's gonna be a easy reading I'm telling you!

September 12, 2023

Writing on the Train

On September 12, 2023, I wrote on my phone about why I enjoy posting many stories on Instagram while traveling. I continued writing on September 13 during the train journey from Florence to Bologna and now, I find myself on a train from Uppsala to Stockholm, Sweden, still writing this. Why write during the journey? Because I felt somewhat imprisoned by the need to post stories. Despite this feeling, I still wanted to post. So, why was I doing it? I wanted to reconfirm the reasons within myself, to have a solid understanding. I strongly felt the need to write this note quickly to reevaluate why I was doing this. Writing it down gives me a clear mind. I also get opinions from friends when I write.

Discovering New Ways to Enjoy Music

Rather than using music to distract myself from loneliness, I decided to actively enjoy it. This attitude is crucial. Writing comments like "I love Miley Cyrus's husky voice!" in my journal made my diary more interesting.

I can deeply relate to the lyrics of the artist "Centipede" in the song "I'm Not Alone" (excerpt below). I pasted parts of the lyrics into my journal and enjoyed it. I don't need to use the internet extensively; I can enjoy myself with less data usage. Unlike YouTube, I don't consume gigabytes of data. I'm not a heavy smartphone user; I only use it for photos, notes, and replies. Thus, I resist spending money on data. I'm thrifty in that regard.

Excerpt from the lyrics: (Lyrics are in Japanese)

I searched the lyrics on Google and pasted my favorite parts into my journal, enriching my own experiences while enjoying it. Using a SIM card that works throughout Europe is relatively expensive. Twenty dollars for 5GB of data for 30 days. It's not laughable when compared to Japan's cheap plans. I'm not someone who uses the phone intensively, so I strongly resist paying for data usage. (Laughs)

Why Travel?

Traveling is to confirm that friends exist. I want to feel deep within myself that this world is interconnected, and all my friends are companions in this world, living together.

Scale of Cities and the Value of Travel

Is it more enjoyable to visit small cities because you can easily cover all the tourist spots? But if I do that, I won't understand why I came to travel in the first place. I'm not here to entertain tourists but to learn about real societies. Squares and views are all visible to everyone. Therefore, I want to value interactions with people I meet there and focus more on the softer aspects of travel.

Roommates in the Hostel: The Dutch and the French
First person: From Rotterdam, Netherlands. Currently on a global journey for more than 180 days. Everything in Asia seemed like a paradise because it was so cheap. He's working online, so he feels like he's on vacation. He's 31 years old and is doing well. He's a sales manager and used to work in marketing for Domino's Pizza in the Netherlands. He used to be a DJ, and he often organizes events with friends in Dusseldorf on weekends. He told me to visit him in the Netherlands; he would give me tickets, and I could crash at his place. I'm considering visiting him a little later!

Second person: From Paris, France. A computer scientist working on data analysis. He works at a university-affiliated institution and communicates a lot with professors. When I asked about his working style, he said he feels great because he can leave whenever he wants after finishing work efficiently. I wish Japan had the same work culture. Well, we, the younger generation, will change things. (I said that confidently.)

September 13, 2023

Hostel Staff

I spent the morning chatting with the reception staff. Continuing from yesterday, the person I talked to the most was a graduate student from Turkey studying design. There were also two short-term exchange students from the Philippines, one studying fashion at the graduate level. We bonded instantly over our shared birth year of 1999, and the conversation was lively. All of us were exchange students, and we found many common points.

The Turkish student mentioned plans to travel to the Netherlands, and our schedules coincided quite closely. So, we made plans to meet in either Amsterdam or Rotterdam. With the two Filipinos, we agreed to meet in Japan or the Philippines.

Making such casual plans might seem easy, but because these were countries and places I genuinely wanted to visit, I said yes. Actions speak louder than words. I look forward to meeting them again; this is the essence of the joy of travel.

Words Transcend Language

After enjoying the conversation with everyone in the morning, when I went outside, I saw a dog relieving itself near a car tire without a leash. An elderly woman, who had a disapproving expression as if to say, "Isn't this awful?" sent me a look. Although I couldn't speak Italian, I communicated with her through my eyes, as if to say, "I understand, grandma, absolutely." She responded with a smile. It was a lovely, albeit brief, exchange between people.

Casual Street Conversations

I saw a female university student on the street talking to a friend living on the fourth floor of an apartment building while smoking a cigarette. They were practically shouting. It was amusing. In Japan, it might be considered a nuisance to neighbors, but it was a beautiful sight.

Japanese People's Impatience with Delays

Later, I returned to the hostel from a leisurely walk and took a train to meet my friend in Bologna. However, the train was delayed. It was extremely late. It was interesting to observe the uniquely Japanese trait of getting anxious when the train doesn't arrive on time. We were 10 minutes late, and I could sense the restlessness. In Japan, everything would be displayed on Yahoo! Transit, but it doesn't work the same abroad. I couldn't help but think that it would be better not to stress about it, but once you've grown up in Japan, it's unavoidable.

Response to Criticism

A young person who had put their feet on the seat and was scolded by the conductor (a cool-looking guy with a man bun) reacted defiantly. It reminded me of my past self. I thought, maybe until you can sincerely admit your mistakes, you're still like a child. I realized I've grown a bit, which made me chuckle.

Value of Meeting People

The time and money spent to meet friends are invaluable. Both parties become happy. I felt like my friend was really happy that I came to see them. Well, I didn't go to make them happy; I went because I wanted to, but I think it's easy to become friends with "good people" or those with whom you resonate. You can feel the connection, and above all, talking with them is enjoyable. I don't think time has much to do with the quality of friendship.

With my friend in Bologna, we talked a lot about Italian food, culture, and more. It was fun. Being able to enjoy real food in Bologna, Italy, while having such conversations is incredibly luxurious. I wanted to talk more about the good and bad aspects of Japanese and Italian societies, values, and business, but time was too short. We promised to talk on the phone; I haven't had the time during my travels, but I will definitely do it when I get back.

Slight Regret

I should have exchanged contact information with the person living in Paris. I'll be more proactive to avoid regrets like this in the future.

Purpose of Travel, Returning to the Basics

One of the reasons I'm traveling the world this time is to become aware, through my own experiences, that there are fellow beings living in the same world. I am not alone. Everyone is doing different things, but we spend our days within the same 24 hours, and it's a reaffirmation of that fact. The theme of my journey is "to encounter various perspectives to dissolve the rigid thoughts within me." It's also a journey to find places where I feel comfortable.

September 14, 2023

When Intentions Are Obvious, It's Unpleasant

It's not good if the effort to post customer reviews with excessive service comes off as forced. The feeling of being pressured is exhausting. A staff member at the hostel with a German accent in the UK.

Peaceful Scenes

In the morning, I witnessed a police officer waving at a little kid while driving, not once but twice. Bologna's police officers must be nice. And the residential areas in the countryside are nice too. Passing by a nail salon, everyone seemed happy. Nail technicians make money by making clients happy. Although not considered a socially contributive job, I thought it was a simple yet good job. So, what would everyone spend their money on? Food? If so, if you worked in that industry, you would receive the most gratitude, right?

Object Lessons

  1. A woman in front of PRADA, a luxury brand store in Florence, who was diligently taking photos with her husband and daughter. Why be so fixated on that? Do they really find happiness in that? It seems they just post it on Instagram and forget about it.

  2. The attitude of the staff at the gelato shop I happened to enter was bad. If I'm going to spend money, I want to support someone I can genuinely cheer for. That's what I thought.

Whether Money Is Spent or Not

The difference in how time is spent when spending money versus when not spending money. I didn't feel guilty about relaxing at my friend's place in Texas because it didn't cost much.

Turkish Thinking

Turkey emphasizes women's independence culturally. Hence, they are uncomfortable in situations where someone else pays for them. My friend at the reception said that, and I found it interesting.

Not Wanting to Meet Japanese People

I feel discouraged when I encounter Japanese people during my travels. But if I talk to them, the awkwardness diminishes. If there are Asians around, the Italian atmosphere weakens somehow.

Heartwarming Farewell

"Hug, hug! See you again in the Netherlands or Tokyo." The last conversation with my friend at the reception. I think Japan lacks this kind of culture. Come to think of it, I hug my friends who grew up abroad, but I don't hug my Japanese friends at all. It's strange, isn't it?

Good Service Leads to a Good Day

The station attendant I met earlier was really kind. He had an impressive smile. I asked a question that I could have confirmed myself, but it's better to ask if it can be resolved immediately, right? :)

September 15, 2023

Delays in Italian Trains

Italian train delays are terrible. Japan's railways are truly the best in the world. The cultural difference in what awaits you if you're late is completely different. In the end, I was more than an hour late and missed the train to the airport that I had reserved, so I had to take a taxi.

Taxis Aren't Bad Either

While waiting in line for a taxi, I thought if someone was going to the same airport! I tried talking to various people casually, and that led to a conversation with a girl from Marseille, France, with distinctive hexagonal glasses. She had just started her third year at university and was going to study in Rome for only four months. Sharing taxis is normal, she said. We were both happy.

And the taxi driver we caught said right away, "I was the last one, and Ciampino is far!" I thought, "What?" for a moment, but as we talked, he seemed to like Japan and played various songs, including the loud music of Fist of the North Star, which I don't know at all. It's not good to only listen to songs that Japan doesn't know, so I asked him to recommend good Italian songs. He taught me this song, and I still listen to it on Spotify. Thank you.

The Dark Side of the Airport

Dividers between benches. Uncomfortable to sleep on, Ciampino Airport. This is exactly "anti-homeless' hostile architecture." I'm not homeless, but I wondered why design had to be so unfriendly.

Flight as an Enjoyable Experience

Flight Information Rome - Krakow Ryanair · FR9660 (Economy Class) Departure: September 15, 2023, 06:30 Ciampino Airport Arrival: September 15, 2023, 08:30 John Paul II International Airport Krakow-Balice

On the flight from Rome to Krakow, a girl from Italy sitting next to me started talking to me. I wondered why, and it turned out she wanted to sit by the aisle because she wanted to get off quickly after arrival. I said, "Are you going to let me sit by the window? Thanks!" and agreed with that enthusiasm. We started talking a bit from there.

We talked a lot about the North-South disparity in Italy, her background (her father is from Southern Italy, and her mother is from the Czech Republic), her interest in the Russian language (Slavic), her desire to work for Amnesty, and her thoughts on walking in Rome. It was interesting, so I took a lot of notes.

In Conclusion

This time it was overflowing. I'm a note maniac, but if I copy and paste what I've been noting during my trip, it turns into such a lengthy text. I hope you enjoyed it. However, there is a strong aspect of self-satisfaction, haha. I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

Thank you for reading until the end! I look forward to meeting you in the next note! 👋

