
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.29☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 28, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • TheFreeDictionary

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[12:22] Sarah Palin has won her bid for a new trial against The New York Times. A federal appeals court ruled today that a judge in her 2022 trial was wrong to dismiss the case while the jury was still deliberating. The former Alaska governor accused the paper of defamation after it incorrectly linked her to a mass shooting in a 2017 editorial. The Times later corrected the mistake. This case could force the Supreme Court to revisit its ruling in The New York Times v. Sullivan case, which set a high bar for public figures to prove defamation.

[16:02] GEOFF BENNETT: Vice President Kamala Harris launched a two-day swing through Georgia today. It's her seventh trip to the state this year, and it ends with a rally in Savannah.

[18:11] DONALD TRUMP: I look at California. I gave a speech. I had so -- I had a crowd so big. I said there's no way I could lose California, but automatically they mark it down if you're a Republican as a loss, that you lose by five million votes. I said, five million votes? I guarantee, if Jesus came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK?

[19:00] QUIL LAWRENCE, National Public Radio: Well in advance of the visit, they had been told that there would not be allowed to bring a personal outside photographer to Section 60, which is where most of the Iraq and Afghanistan casualties are buried. And when they arrived, an official from Arlington National Cemetery approached them to say, no, you can't bring a videographer or photographer into Section 60. And that person was verbally abused and pushed aside.
LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: In a statement, Arlington National Cemetery said it "can confirm there was an incident and a report was filed. Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army national military cemetery."

[23:18] GEOFF BENNETT: That manipulation that you talk about, you describe meetings in the Oval Office as exercises in competitive sycophancy.

[32:23] North Lawndale, like many South and West Side Chicago neighborhoods, is majority-Black. Much of this segregation can be traced to the Great Migration of a century ago. Black Americans from the Jim Crow South moved north, seeking greater opportunities, but what they found was not the segregation imposed by Jim Crow, but new and different barriers.

[33:22] FRANKLIN COSEY-GAY: We're talking about a $3 billion to $4 billion wealth gap between white Chicagoans and Black Chicagoans that's directly tied to the inability to develop equity from housing.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Cosey-Gay recalls that, in 1919, during the Red Summer, when Black Americans across the country were terrorized, 23 Black Chicagoans were killed and hundreds more were injured in this city; 15 white Chicagoans were also killed in the violence. And between 1917 and 1921, 58 Black Chicagoans were firebombed in their homes.

[36:41] PASTOR PHIL JACKSON: A lot of companies and factories have left, so it takes a politician to take a chance, which might seem like a black hole to others, to invest in a neighborhood. It seems like pulling teeth sometimes with different powers that be to make that happen. There are a lot of people who try to make things happen and work, but there's a lot of systems in place that seem to pull back.

[38:37] JAHMAL COLE: The purpose really is, like, to just leave a love [* lead with love?] and build relationships with youth and keep them alive. How can we wrap around you and make sure we get you to college?



  • sense of beleaguerment

  • used up/ I can't make a difference with him. We just got kind of used up in that process.

  • Loop

  • Ida B. Wells

  • redlining

  • disinvestment

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