

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour June 5, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[10:14] Joe Biden definitely still has a problem with his base. He has a lot of younger voters, a lot of disaffected progressive voters that have not yet come home.

[** come home = (in this context) to come back to one's traditional loyalty or support ]

[15:35] Trump, I think in many of these states where the margins are really going to matter, Trump is running sometimes 20, 15 points ahead of Biden.

[** "these states where the margins are really going to matter" refers to key states in an election where the difference (or margin) in votes between the candidates is expected to be very small. These states are often referred to as "swing states" or "battleground states"]

[17:25] MILES O'BRIEN: Yes, veterans indeed. They both have a lot of time in space, Butch about 178 days on one long space station mission, Suni 322 days over two long stints on the space station, both of them Naval aviators, Suni a proud graduate of the Naval Academy, test pilots through and through, good people to have on a mission like this because they're wringing this vehicle out. They will be testing the thrusters, the control systems, the space suits themselves, the docking capability. They will try to fly it manually. They will do everything they can to see where the bugs might be in this craft.

[** wring out = (aviation) To push (an aircraft) to its performance limits; to push the envelope (wiktionary); to thoroughly test or evaluate ]

[22:05] GEOFF BENNETT: Miles, thanks so much for being with us.
MILES O'BRIEN: Here all week.

[** "Here all week" is a humorous way for a performer to announce their availability for performances every night of the week at a comedy club.]

[25:45] HENRY LANGREHR, U.S. 82nd Airborne Veteran: We took a shell off the corner of our wing, and shrapnel came through the plane and killed one man on one side of me and on the other side. So, there was a lot, a lot of flak, just like the Fourth of July.

[** just like the Fourth of July = just like fireworks on the Fourth of July]

[31:47] GEOFF BENNETT: The letter lays out a number of risks and warnings, including -- quote -- "the loss of control of autonomous A.I. systems, potentially resulting in human extinction." Human extinction. What do these folks know that we don't?
GEOFF BENNETT: And how seriously should we take this concern?
BOBBY ALLYN: It sounds pretty dire, doesn't it? And it goes back to this kind of nerdy phrase that A.I. researchers like citing known as P(doom), P meaning what's the probability and doom being -- well, we know what doom means. And they like bringing this up because the theory is, if A.I. gets really smart, if it becomes super intelligent and can exceed the skills and brainpower of humanity, maybe one day it will turn on us.

[** P(doom) officially stands for “probability of doom,” and as its name suggests, it refers to the odds that artificial intelligence will cause a doomsday scenario...
https://www.fastcompany.com/90994526/pdoom-explained-how-to-calculate-your-score-on-ai-apocalypse-metric ]

[39:01] NICK SCHIFRIN: You tried to end the war between Israel and Lebanon back then. You also helped establish the parameters of the deal between Hamas and the Israeli government that would lead to release of Gilad Shalit in exchange for more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in 2011.

[** parameters = limits, conditions, or boundaries ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • windfall tax

  • queue

  • right to repair

  • coattails

  • lap/ SpaceX has kind of lapped Boeing.

  • Operation Overlord

  • step into the breach

  • have someone by the scruff of their neck

  • morally bankrupt

  • Heads up!

  • wrack/ a world wracked by conflict

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