
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.19☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS NewsHour

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour June 18, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[03:48] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: President Biden said today that ultimately this is about keeping families together. And this is the biggest relief action by a president, Amna, since the DACA program, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, from 2012. And this uses a process called parole in place.

[19:26] SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO): You're focused on exactly what you were hired to do, which is that you're cutting corners, you are eliminating safety procedures, you are sticking it to your employees, you are cutting back jobs, because you're trying to squeeze every piece of profit you can out of this country -- this company. You're strip-mining it. I don't think the problem is with the employees, actually.

[26:55] NICK SCHIFRIN: So what you're seeing, what you're highlighting is two aspects, as you said, both the hunger and also the inability for doctors and hospitals to provide the medicine that's needed. Each of those cases, you and I talked about when you were on the broadcast last year . Has it gotten much worse?

[** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwltj5nc7ZQ&t=2014s 
see also:
https://note.com/wgc888/n/n95a95dd2fdd3#e261f4cd-7d5e-43c2-b9af-0775c96fe993 ]

[29:04] NICK SCHIFRIN: And, finally, Dr. Elamin, how much has this war been defined by gender-based violence?
DR. YASIR ELAMIN: You know, Sudan has known gender-based violence, but the scale of the gender-based violence in this war has been unprecedented. One of the very brutal aspects of this war is the amount of women, young girls in some cases, that were raped. When I was in Omdurman, I have heard horrible stories from physicians who've treated rape victims. We're talking about victims who are 16 years old, 15 years old.

[31:27] Obviously, there is a partisan divide here. There are Republicans more for Trump, Democrats more for Biden. Independents remain a key question mark. You see a gender divide among them sometimes, but, otherwise, the electorate is barely moving at all.

AMNA NAWAZ: It's striking to see how those numbers haven't really changed almost a year. Why are voters so locked in?

[37:45] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, let's start our conversation where you start the book, your Brooklyn upbringing. Your parents were first-generation Italian-Americans. Your dad was a pharmacist who actually bought a drugstore. And it struck me. You wrote in the book that over the years, his pharmacy became a combination doctor's office, pharmacy and psychiatrist's couch. He cared for people. He cared about people. How much did that influence your career choice?

[39:28] DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Well, it was an enlightening experience because the activists were right. The rigidity of the scientific approach, the clinical trials process of inclusion and exclusion criteria in the clinical trial, the understandable rigidity of the regulatory process taking so long to get an intervention approved, it worked really well for decades and decades for diseases that were not the way HIV/AIDS was, which was a group of predominantly young gay men who had a disease or were at risk for a disease that was killing all of their friends in a period of 10 months to 12 months from the time they developed symptoms. They wanted a seat at the table. They wanted to say, we want some input into the design of the trials, so that we could have greater access. And we don't want to wait seven years for a drug to get approved.

[40:43] As John Lewis used to say, there's trouble and there's good trouble. They were making good trouble in the field of health in wanting to have a seat at the table.

[48:20] ALINA SIERRA: I would say there was just barrier after barrier. I ended up going on academic probation because of everything, like, I was going through. And I couldn't really focus on school. And it was just, like, really hard.

[48:49] FELISIA TAGABAN GASKIN, University of Arizona: Unfortunately, a lot of what we do around representation is performative. I mean, we're great at renaming buildings with Native language, or we provide big events like land acknowledgement football games, for example. But, really, when you peel back all of those external layers for publicity, you look at each individual story, and you say, well, where is the support for these students? Where are they supposed to go?

[49:19] STEPHANIE SY: The layers were peeled back four years ago, when High Country News published a bombshell investigation about what it called land-grab universities. The report laid out that expropriated indigenous land is the foundation of the land grant university system and that 10.7 million acres were taken from nearly 250 tribes. The land grant university system was established under the Morrill Act and signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln. The act enabled states to establish public colleges through the development or sale of lands granted to them by the federal government; 14 universities continue to generate revenue from lands retained under the Morrill Act.


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下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • DACA recipient

  • Dreamer

  • lay into someone

  • MAGAnomics

  • Foxconn development

  • off-kilter

  • iconoclastic

  • blowback

  • U of A

  • Great Recession

  • rez

  • prior/ Some students prior had dropped out for a simple $200 fee.

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