

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour April 19, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[24:43] But I can also report from sources involved, sources aware that there was high-level talks from Democrats to Republicans saying over the past week and two that if indeed you bring this full Ukraine aid, all the foreign aid bills to the floor, Speaker Johnson, we will support you. We will make sure you're not ousted.

[38:49] I don't want to probably give the Biden administration credit. I will give the Biden administration credit. Remember, how many times have we sat at this table where we talked about the fact that the Biden administration from the president on down counseling the prime minister to not do this, not do that, to do this or do that, and have the prime minister basically laugh in the president's face? Well, ever since -- well, over the last month now, it seems as though that -- the come-to-Jesus phone call that the president and the prime minister had, ever since then, it appears that the prime minister has been listening and heeding the counsel and the warning coming from the administration about all sorts of things that it was going to do, whether it's the invasion of Rafah or pleading with them not to respond in a massive way against that Iranian attack.

[46:16] MANDI FUGATE SHEFFEL: And he said: "People don't even read physical books anymore, Mandi." And I'm like, well, I do. And I know a community of people who do. And I think this will work.


それでも分からない場合、下の有料部分に語句説明があります。辞書の定義では分かりにくい時は、文脈の中でどのような意味で使われているかを説明しています。説明はほとんどすべて英語で書いています (英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう)。


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • lame/ Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir tweeted one word that best translates to "lame."

  • to bring to bear/ they're also, I think, trying to demonstrate the capabilities that the Israeli military can bring to bear.

  • node/ I believe that the strike last night demonstrated that the Israelis in fact could, if they chose, take out key nodes of the Iranian nuclear program.

  • risk-tolerant

  • such that/ They have engaged in the kind of behavior we have seen that's targeted former senior U.S. government officials, so that -- such that some of them are still under protective custody.

  • National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska

  • procedural vote

  • to tee up/ The high-stakes vote was procedural, whether to tee up the four foreign aid bills

  • muscle/ The package of four bills at the heart of this is big dollars, $95 billion, with far reach. The most muscle goes to two countries.

  • raw issue/ For Israel, $26.4 billion, a large increase over the original Senate bill, it contains no additional conditions on Israel aid, a raw issue for many on the left.

  • called out/ Back on the Capitol steps, some hard-liners are considering ousting Johnson now. "I'm not going to comment on that unless it's called out."

  • bench/ if it's not Mike Johnson, then who? We got deep into the bench.

  • last stand/ Today was almost one of their last real stands this time in Congress. There's not a lot of time left for this Congress to do business.

  • regime/ What was the concern with the previous regime? -- Well, there were a number of concerns. From the point of view of sexual assault survivors, they were concerned that if you mandate a cross-examination-type situation, that it would be essentially re-traumatizing for them.

  • to hang/ where do you want those sort of scales of justice to hang

  • to cross/ on this issue of this angry minority, that has always been the talk about Speaker Johnson, that he is beholden to them. He cannot dare cross them.

  • to let off/ the pressure has let off a little

  • scuttlebutt

  • the fruit is bearing out on something

  • to inure to the benefit of someone

  • to keep the fire under someone's feet

  • to take it and run with it/ when you have this whole population that for 20 years, during kind of the really bulk of the opioid epidemic that were just kind of like locked out of being able to do these things, and now as they get clean and they start having these opportunities, they're taking it and they're running with it

  • a drain on the community/ I spent so much time a drain on the community, that it's very, very gratifying to be able to contribute something and to be of value to my community.

  • to use/ If there are kids that can see their worth through these books and through literature, and maybe that keeps them from using, that's it for me. That's what drives me every day.

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