

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour March 29, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[19:21] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The death of George Floyd, which sparked a national reckoning over policing, resulted from a police technique that is considered non-lethal.

[31:30] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: In the rural city of Enid, Oklahoma, there will be a recall election next Tuesday over allegations of racism and white supremacy. Commissioner Judd Blevins was confronted at a candidate forum this week by residents who want to oust him for his alleged ties to a white nationalist group. While Blevins has tried to blunt the criticism, it has sharply divided this small town. I spoke recently to "NewsHour"'s community correspondent, Adam Kemp, who has been following this closely. So, Adam, let's go back to the start here. Judd Blevins has only been in office for about a year. Was any of his past association known before he was elected?
ADAM KEMP: Yes, so when he was running for the city commissioner spot, which makes him part of Enid City Council in 2023, the local newspaper there did write a story that detailed some of his relationships with white nationalist groups, including Identity Evropa, which is the main group here that he is alleged to have been a part of. It detailed also that he had attended the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

[36:22] PETE SIMI, Chapman University: The danger of having white supremacists holding local office is that this is part of their agenda in terms of them being able to implement, execute various strategies, various plans as it relates to them wanting to create a white ethnostate, for example, which is obviously a larger plan on the horizon for them. But there are smaller steps along the way that need to happen, and having people hold a local office allow them to potentially achieve some of these smaller steps to the ultimate goal, really, which is, like I said, a white ethnostate.

[38:16] DAVID BROOKS: Money matters in politics if you have no name recognition, you want to get known, if you want to have an organization. But once you hit a certain threshold, even in a well-funded Senate race, it doesn't matter. You're just making the rubble bounce. When people are seeing 13, 14 commercials a night, then they're just not noticing. And it's doubly true this time, because both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been president before.


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下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • to sear/ I saw him ready to reclaim friendships that had been seared by disagreements, ready to look for ways to bridge divisions, ready to seek reconciliation

  • to drop/ Beyonce drops a new genre-defying album

  • divestment

  • excited delirium

  • homestead exemption

  • to cure/ I think another ramification is that voters feel confused when they see their vote challenged. They have to go through hoops and hurdles to cure that challenge, to make sure that they're able to vote

  • tiki torch

  • If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck

  • to net/ A campaign fund-raiser nets Biden millions

  • master of free media

  • over the line

  • politico

  • ed board

  • to put one's own spin on something

  • to play into/ this does, as you say, play into country music's often difficult history with Black musicians and music, with women musicians often not getting a lot of airplay

  • cosign

  • lyricism

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