
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.10]

PBS NewsHour March 9, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:10] バイデン大統領2024年度予算案発表

[02:54] NPR White House correspondent Tamara Keith is here to break down the highlights and to make dollars and sense of it all. Hi, Tam. Nice to see.
TAMARA KEITH, National Public Radio: Hi.
AMNA NAWAZ: See what I did there?
TAMARA KEITH: You got a budget pun in right up on top. [* pun しゃれ。だじゃれ。make dollars and cents of it allをmake dollars and sense of it allと言った。make sense of ... = …を説明する。意味を理解する。]

[06:41] It is also an opening volley in what is going to be a high-stakes [* = involving large costs or rewards. 多くがかかっている] battle between House Republicans

[08:22] Not known for meeting deadlines, but the debt ceiling, although it's not clear exactly when the X-date [* Xデー。(この文脈では)デフォルトになる日] is going to happen, sometime in the late summer likely, that is a real deadline.

[09:12] 今日のその他のニュース

[13:40] In economic news, General Motors announced buyout [* = a financial incentive offered to an employee in exchange for an early retirement or voluntary resignation. 早期退職報奨金] offers for its 58,000 white-collar workers in the U.S.

[14:37] オハイオ列車脱線火災事故 上院がNorfolk Southern社CEOを詰問 リポートのあとJennifer Homendy国家運輸安全委員会(NTSB)委員長に聞く

[16:08] Just this week, we announced several new initiatives to enhance safety, which included more hotbox [* = 熱軸箱。注油不足または異物のために、車軸の摩擦過度で過熱した軸箱(ランダムハウス)] detectors across our network, partnering with other railroads to share best practices.

[18:11] This is an industry that enjoys special legal carve-outs [* carve-out = an exception (to a legal provision). 例外 ] that almost no industry enjoys.

[19:05] We are investigating six now involving Norfolk Southern, and we will review a seventh one that occurred back in October. There are -- that's a lot in a short period of time, but it's tough to say there's a commonality [* a common feature or attribute. 共通する特徴。共通点 ] among all of them, because they're all very different.

[20:37] I was told that, in some cases, safety inspections in the rail yards [* rail yard = 車両基地] aren't even done by humans. They're done by some sort of automated process.

[22:22] they came out with a notice of proposed rulemaking that there -- will be published in the Federal Register [* 連邦公報。公報。官報 ] for providing train crews with emergency escape breathing apparatus.

[22:34] That's a recommendation we have had on the books since 2005, when two Norfolk Southern trains -- a Norfolk Southern train collided with a parked Norfolk Southern train on a siding [* 待避線] and released chlorine gas, killing eight people, including a locomotive engineer.

[24:45] イランで拘束中のアメリカ人 刑務所内から密かに電話インタビュー 拘束中の別のアメリカ人の肉親2人に聞く

[30:04] HANNAH SHARGI: I mean, we have heard for years that this is a top priority to bring my dad and Siamak and Morad home, but how am I supposed to believe that this is actually a priority when the president won't even meet with us, when we can't even have those 15 minutes? [* < 15 minutes of fame = a very short time in the spotlight or brief flurry with fame, after which the person or subject involved is quickly forgotten < "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." (Andy Warhol) ]

[33:44] C型肝炎の完治を多くの人へ Francis Collins特別プロジェクト大統領顧問に聞く

[36:15] If we had a test -- and we're going to make this happen -- that's point of care, that is, you come in, you have a simple finger stick [* (medicine) the pricking of a finger in order to obtain a small sample of blood. 指腹での採血] , it says, oh, you have active infection with hepatitis C, 30 minutes later, here's your pills, you're starting on your cure today.

[38:18] That's what this proposal is from the Biden administration that is being rolled out now, a five-year plan to make the drug available essentially for free to prisons, to Medicaid clinics, to the community health centers that deal with the uninsured, to people on the reservation [* = Indian reservation ] , to people in opioid treatment centers.

[39:00] DR. FRANCIS COLLINS: Well, Louisiana piloted this. [* to pilot 試験的に行う。テストケースとして実施する。パイロット・プログラムとして実施する]

[42:22] (再放送) オペラ『The Hours』

[45:51] JEFFREY BROWN: You're not knocking [* = to criticize verbally; to denigrate けなす] Mozart and Verdi.

[48:09] The fact that so much new opera is happening in this country, not only at the Metropolitan Opera, but in companies [* company = オペラ団。歌劇団] all over the country, my students all want to write operas.

[49:02] You can watch it here on PBS' "Great Performances" on March 17. Check your local listings. [* テレビの番組表]

[49:16] 物価上昇の中 食費を抑えるヒント

[49:15] If you have been to the grocery store lately, it's hard to miss. Consumers are having to eat the cost [* = to absorb the cost; to bear the cost 費用を負担する] of higher food bills.

[51:03] Huge shout-out [* = a public expression of praise, or acknowledgement ] to Jenna Cohen and Megan McGrew, who helped build this quiz from scratch.

[52:15] And kind of a big giveaway [* 秘密(をばらすこと)] for this quiz is, if you look at one item, one thing on the sales tag, the price per ounce, you're always going to get it right, because if it's a lower price per ounce, it's going to be a better deal. And that's true in the grocery store too. So that's kind of one big takeaway [* おぼえておくべきこと ] I'm hoping people have, is, if people start comparing the price per ounces in the grocery store, it's -- it really does make a huge difference.


■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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