
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.07.20☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour July 19, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。初歩レベル以外で日本語に訳して理解する人は、英語を話せるようにはなりません (会話の途中で英-->日、日-->英の翻訳を繰り返す時間はありません)。また、基本的な英文法は別として、重箱の隅をつつくような英文法で英語を理解しようとするのは時間の無駄です (実際の英語は教科書の文法では不適切とされる表現であふれています。言葉の法則をまとめたのが文法である以上、文法が現実に追いついていないだけで、問題なのは文法の方です)。もう一つ確実に言えることは、英語を話せない人に英語を習っても、話せるようにはなりません (言葉を話せない人に言葉を習って話せるようになるはずがありません)。どこかの国の英語教育の話みたいですね。


[02:54] BECCA MAYNARD, Stranded Passenger: I have never seen it like this before, especially in this airport. This airport is my favorite because it's usually getting it out.

[08:00] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So what do you think the downstream consequences for CrowdStrike and/or Microsoft will be? Or will there be none?
BRUCE SCHNEIER: There will be none. What were the downstream consequences for Colonial Pipeline or Change Healthcare or the dozens of other incidents like this in the past few years? We move on, right? Politics is all-consuming. This is a blip. Tomorrow, I don't even think it's going to be news.

[08:44] But, really, as an individual, there's nothing you can do. You're not in charge of these networks. You don't get to say what products and services are used or not. We are all at the mercy of these very large consolidated systems. And when they fail, our life is impacted. The only way to make this change is at the political level, right? Agitate for some meaningful rules here that will keep companies from being this lean.

[10:19] LISA DESJARDINS: Balloons rained down from the rafters, and Donald Trump reigned from on stage, as Republicans cheered his third presidential nomination. He is just the sixth American to achieve that for a major party, but the event marking it was all on his brand, an unapologetic show...

[29:44] ALMAR LATOUR: Well, Evan's family has been an inspiration throughout all of this. They are so strong in the face of something that is obviously so emotional and so hurtful to them, to see their son in captivity and being held in the way that he is and accused of things that he didn't do and smeared again and again by the Russian propaganda machine. And so, and faced with all that, they, in my view, are heroic. They're holding their head above water. And, of course, they want to see their son released as soon as possible, and with whatever it takes.

[43:27] MILES O'BRIEN: Transformers going. You were very close to that, my friend.
JORDAN HALL: And then here in a minute, it's going to pipe out right here.

[50:45] And now, every time that there's a game on national television, upwards of seven figures are watching. So there definitely has been a similar boon compared to Magic and Larry back in the 1980s. I also think that you check a couple boxes in terms of the college rivalry that Caitlin and Angel had and also the cross-racial comparisons with Caitlin and Angel similar to Magic and Bird. So there are a lot of similar elements.

[53:47] The more that the WNBA gets on TV in nationally televised windows and prime-time opportunities, that's going to bring in more and more fans right now. Like, it's kind of a distressed asset in terms of where you see the WNBA on TV. It's, like, really hard to find games. And assuming this new TV rights deal puts them on prime position in ESPN and NBC and ideally more nationally available networks that aren't just, like, hidden on cable or streamers, I think that will continue the growth.



  • organically

  • hold up/ repeating some stump speech claims that Republicans love, but which don't hold up

  • open convention

  • HRRR

  • Warn-on-Forecast

  • account for

  • CBA

  • deep dive

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