

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Jan. 23, 2024

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[44:18] GEOFF BENNETT: And there's also a lot of investor enthusiasm about artificial intelligence. How has the promise of A.I. reordered the markets and really fueled the returns of the so-called Magnificent Seven? These are the high-performing tech companies whose stocks typically do really well.
DAVID GURA: Yes, Geoff, this was a huge turning point last year. So you mentioned the Magnificent Seven. This is a name that was coined by Michael Hartnett, who's an investment strategist at Bank of America. He allowed that he's a fan of this Western movie from 1960 starring Yul Brynner and Eli Wallach, which is why he named them. But the seven stocks are Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla. And as you say, these are tech companies, most of which are tied to A.I. or interested in A.I. or doing work on A.I. I guess Tesla is kind of the exception to that. Nvidia, at the other extreme, this is a company that is designing most of the microchips that are used in the supercomputers that are powering the technology that allows companies to use A.I.



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