
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.04☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 3, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[05:58] The U.S. Department of Justice has filed criminal charges against several top Hamas leaders in connection to the October 7 massacre. They include the group's leader, Yahya Sinwar. There are seven charges in total, including conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals and conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization resulting in death.

[20:24] JUDGE KETANJI BROWN JACKSON: Well, the court hears some of the most significant cases. That's the role of the court in our constitutional design. We take issues that are difficult, because, if they weren't difficult, they wouldn't make their way all the way to the Supreme Court. And many of those issues, as you have indicated, deal with pretty complicated social issues.

[22:48] GEOFF BENNETT: The process of writing a memoir, I imagine, makes you think about your impact. It's probably too early to talk about your legacy.
GEOFF BENNETT: But what -- how do you want to shape the court moving forward?
JUDGE KETANJI BROWN JACKSON: Oh, my goodness. Well, I would just like to do a good job. I mean, it's pretty early to be thinking about what -- how I'd change it or how I'd stamp it. Right now, I just want to do the best I can to serve the American people to the best of my ability.

[27:40] DAVID BECKER: Well, they're not trying to change policy, I don't think. If they really thought this was a significant problem, if they had the evidence to suggest that -- and there isn't evidence. Even Trump's own allies in states like Georgia, Texas and other places have looked for large amounts of noncitizens registered or voting and they just can't find them. It's because they don't exist. It doesn't happen very often. I think what this is doing is setting the stage for claims an election was stolen afterwards. If they really wanted to change the law, they would have done this in 2023 or 2021 or even 2017, when Donald Trump was the president of the United States. They could have changed the law and done whatever they wanted with regard to noncitizen voting, mail voting, anything else. The reason this is coming up two months before the presidential election is because they know they're not going to change the policy in advance of the election, but they do want to be able to call up these arguments after the election to his sincerely disappointed supporters if he loses, and then perhaps incite anger and division and donations and even violence in the post-election period.

[29:07] DAVID BECKER: So if he loses -- and it's possible he could win legitimately -- but, if he loses, he's almost certainly going to try. I think we can expect that, regardless of what happens during the election, that, on election night, he's going to claim victory regardless of margins. It's likely he's going to spread some of these lies about noncitizen voting, about mail voting not being secure, about voting machines being rigged, about dead Venezuelan dictators and bamboo ballots and Italian satellites. We should expect that.

[44:54] [** この話題は再放送です。今回は省略部分があるので、前回放送の方を見ることをお勧めします ]
MALCOLM BRABANT: A stiff breeze in the Southern Atlantic provides optimum conditions for this pioneering ship carrying 200,000 tons of iron ore from Brazil to China. It's fitted with so-called WindWings, which enable it to maintain speed, while reducing dependency on engine power.

[50:45] JOHN COOPER: Yes, of course, we could fit a WindWing to the aircraft carriers, but actually I don't think it's that practical. The aircraft carriers do actually have a service speed of 30 knots. And, therefore, actually that would be quite, quite fast for this wind-powered technology. So we'd love to. I think it would be more of a publicity stunt, rather than a reality, but, yes, we'd certainly pick up the phone to the Navy, that's for sure.
MALCOLM BRABANT: Warships aside, the future is looking bright, as shipping turns back to the future.



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