
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.09.06☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Sept. 5, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[05:01] Christian Angulo, whose friends called him a free spirit with a chill attitude

[11:27] And, indeed, she accepted by the end of the day the special counsel proposal and set up a briefing schedule about Trump's immunity and lingering questions about that immunity to end shortly before the election.

[22:11] I mean, the main stumbling block is, is that the World Health Organization didn't give the vaccine Emergency Use Listing, even though it was being...
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Which would have freed it up.
LAWRENCE GOSTIN: Which would have freed it up.

[31:55] GEOFF BENNETT: More than 11 million DirecTV customers were left in the dark after Disney Entertainment pulled ESPN, ABC, and other channels from the satellite provider on a busy sports night. Viewers were cut off in the middle of a U.S. Open tennis match and before the kickoff of a college football game. The dispute centers on what channels DirecTV must carry and whether that makes sense in a changing landscape of cord-cutting.

[32:44] MEG JAMES: Well, this debate has been simmering behind the surface because the pay-TV providers, like DirecTV are increasingly aggravated that Disney and other programmers have started their own streaming services basically to go into competition with their longtime partners.

[43:35] [** この話題は再放送です。今回は省略部分があるので、前回放送の方を見ることをお勧めします ]
PAUL SOLMAN: By now, you have probably seen ChatGPT, which economist Simon Johnson prompted to substitute for me in a recent story.

[51:55] BELLA MAJOR: She inscribes stones she carves with her mason's mark, which stonemasons use to identify their work.
BRIANNA CASTELLI: So I love the physicality of that, and it's just kind of like me putting my small slice in of their masterpiece, you know?

[52:35] BELLA MAJOR: Last year, the National Cathedral installed new stained glass windows, representing the ongoing struggle for racial justice. These Now and Forever Windows replaced stained glass windows commemorating the Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
JOE ALONSO: Taking down some of these monuments is important because you're really trying to tell the truth, because a lot of these monuments glossed over the history. You saw what happened in Charlottesville. And right after that happened is when the cathedral made the decision that that needed to change.



  • complacency

  • Gavi

  • pull/ Disney has made billions of dollars over the years by the cable TV programming fees that they get from DirecTV, Charter, and other providers. They do not want to see that money go away. At the same time, they recognize that users, television users, younger viewers are increasingly turning to streaming services. And so they want to be in both places. But that's where the pull is.

  • run drills

  • body-positive messages

  • deployment

  • as A.I. taketh away, it may also giveth

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テレビ(ABC NewsNBC News ・ Sky News ・Sesame Street


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