
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.16]

PBS NewsHour March 15, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:11]★今日のおすすめ★ 銀行破綻 飛び火するか Credit Suisse株価急落 専門家に聞く

[07:09] The key word is contributed. If they had said that the 2018 rollbacks had caused the crisis, that would be overclaiming. So it's important to tease out [* to tease out = to unravel; (figuratively, by extension) to determine; solve. もつれたものを解きほぐすように、ものごとを理解する ] how that contribution occurred.

[08:39] 今日のその他のニュース

[09:06] Snow totals reached three feet in higher elevations, and some 113,000 households and businesses waited for the power to come back on. For many, shoveling was the order of the day [* = activity that is common during a particular period of time or in a particular situation; the business to be done on a particular day ] .

[09:18] After setting the clocks ahead this past weekend, [* 時計を進めて夏時間にする ] we were all ready for springtime. This is not what we wanted to do in the middle of March, but it's New England.

[12:48]★今日のおすすめ★ テキサス州の訴訟 経口中絶薬mifepristoneが全米で使えなくなる可能性

[12:47] Today, a federal judge in Amarillo, Texas, heard arguments in a court case that could force the FDA to revoke its approval of mifepristone, which is used as one part of a two-pill regimen for medication abortions.

[13:38] Sarah, abortion rights advocates have accused the plaintiff in this case of forum shopping [* (law) Attempting to file a lawsuit in the jurisdiction most favorable to the party filing the suit. 原告が自分に有利な判決を出してくれそうな法廷・裁判官・陪審を探して訴訟を提起すること。法廷あさり] , of intentionally filing the case in Amarillo, Texas, knowing that it would end up before Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk.

[13:51] Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk was appointed to the bench in 2019 by former President Trump. Prior to his appointment, he was a lawyer for a conservative Christian legal organization. And he's been somebody who's issued opinion after opinion in support of conservative causes, including denying teens access to birth control at federal clinics, which is a story that we reported just about a week or two ago.

[14:19] So, the judge seemed to not be too interested in these objections that the government has over whether or not this organization can even bring this lawsuit, what's called standing [* 前に説明しました ] ,

[15:50] Normally, a judge would put something like this on the public docket [* (law) A schedule of cases awaiting action in a court. 審理予定表] . Journalists and other public -- members of the public would be alerted that this case was going to be heard on Wednesday.

[16:45] So, as you mentioned, about 53 percent of all abortions in the United States are done through medication abortion. We know that, obviously, it's something that women in states where abortion is legal are getting access to, but even in states like Texas, women there are getting access to some of these drugs. So it's really become an important avenue for women to access health care in places where they have been unable to go to clinics to get procedural abortions [* 前に説明しました ] .

[18:16] HIV予防の連邦助成金を拒否 感染予防に政治を持ち込むテネシー州知事

[26:35] ウクライナ支援で割れる共和党

[28:00] But now it appears Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, an expected presidential candidate, is also staking out an isolationist position. [* to stake out = to claim as one's own. (杭を並べて打って内側を)自分のものだと主張する。to stake out an isolationist position 孤立主義の立場を取る ]

[29:56] I spent a good time talking to some ambitious Republicans who are out on the stump [* = traveling around and giving speeches during a campaign for election to a political office (Merriam-Webster). 遊説中] and who also are working with donors.

[33:29] Autocracy should not be allowed to steamroll [* = to ruthlessly crush or overwhelm. 容赦なく押しつぶす。圧倒する] democracy.

[35:52] 2024年選挙 下院の民主・共和議席数 再び逆転するか

[40:54] シリア内戦12周年 リポートのあと専門家に聞く

[51:09]★今日のおすすめ★ 年齢の多様性 異なる年代が一緒に生きるとは

[54:06] [* 意味深い言葉だと思う] Society grows great when older people plant trees under whose shade they shall never sit.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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