
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.04]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 3, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:52]★今日のおすすめ★ 予想を上回る雇用拡大 本当の理由とは 

[05:11] The main reason is a huge decline in participation among older workers. And part of that may be driven by long COVID. [* long COVID = コロナ後遺症]

[06:09] I think they're just couch surfing on their parents' couches at 50 years old, [* to couch surf = To use temporary overnight accommodations in one or more private residences, especially without cash payment.(wiktionary)]

[06:48] The received wisdom [* = conventional wisdom. (received = Generally accepted as correct or true.)] is that economic and structural change is driving the decline in work force participation

[07:36] Only one in 10 persons who has a felony conviction in their background is currently serving in prison. It's an order of magnitude bigger [* 一桁大きい・10倍大きい] than our incarceration situation in the United States.

[09:37]★今日のおすすめ★ Blinken国務長官 訪中延期 偵察気球に反発

[12:07] It's certainly not a standard weather balloon. That's a given. [* given = A condition that is assumed to be true without further evaluation. 既定の事実]

[13:06] 今日のその他のニュース

[13:12] Those venturing outside faced windchills that could reach 50 below this weekend. Many communities opened warming centers [* warming center = An emergency shelter that operates when temperatures become dangerously low, serving stranded travelers, displaced renters and homeowners, and the homeless. (wiktionary)]

[16:55]★今日のおすすめ★ 「米中間の戦略的競争および中国共産党に関する下院特別委員会」創設 両党の幹部メンバーに聞く

[18:32] Chairman Milley [* = Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] today told congressional officials that DOD [* = Department of Defense] needed a 20-mile-by-20 mile box to safely bring this down, and it wasn't safe to bring it down, for fear of some kind of civilian casualties on the ground.

[20:56] So it's definitely in their playbook to do something like this in order to embarrass our diplomats. And the optics of a grip-and-grin [* = An event at which one is expected to smile and shake hands for a photograph.] with Xi Jinping, I think, just would have looked bizarre so soon after this incident.

[21:08] So they made the right call. [* to make the right call = 正しい判断をする]

[21:46] So why not send Secretary Blinken to read them the riot act, [* to read someone the riot act = (idiomatic) To scold or berate somebody; to reprimand (wiktionary)]

[24:03] So we need to be moving heaven and earth [* to move heaven and earth = To do whatever is necessary, including extreme or unusual actions (wiktionary)] to restore our deterrent posture in the Indo-Pacific.

[25:02] I think that we should provide clear messages about red lines. [* red line = (figuratively) A boundary or limit which should not be crossed.] And I think that the Biden administration has been communicating those, just as President Biden did recently with Chairman Xi.

[25:16] But, at the end of the day, the Chinese Communist Party is throwing its elbows in its neighborhood, [* to throw elbows = Be combative; be aggressive (physically or figuratively)]

[26:38] コロラド川 減少する水資源をどう配分するか

[31:08] Dead pool [* dead poolという言葉の意味を説明している箇所] is the point at which the reservoir levels have sunk so low that we can't take water out of the reservoir anymore. So, effectively, we're no longer regulating the river with a dam. It just becomes a run of the river, meaning the river is just flowing and there's no storage.

[32:10] 妊娠中絶禁止の州と合法の州 中西部の中絶医療の現状

[33:28] And so that mobile clinic, I'm told, is set to launch in the coming months, and that it will start with medication abortions, before transitioning into procedural abortions.[* procedural abortion = surgical abortion]

[35:16] And I'm told that they are hoping, moving forward, to be able to expand to vasectomies [* vasectomy = 精管切除. 「パイプカット」 ]

[36:20] 金曜恒例:今週のニュースを2人の政治アナリストと振り返る

[36:42] Donald Trump's third presidential campaign appears to be off to a slow start. His fund-raising haul [* haul = この文脈では、政治資金集めで集まった金額。haulは漁獲(量)のこと] is less than what he certainly expected.

[36:56] Still, he's a known quantity. [* known quantity = someone or something whose abilities or characteristics are well known (Merriam-Webster)]

[37:06] The polls are all over the place, [* all over the place = Inconsistent; lacking a clear pattern] but the higher-quality polls show significant slippage.

[46:57] globalFEST 世界の音楽を紹介するイベント

[51:35] They also meet other presenters who can band together, in the case of bringing global acts to this country, to defray the often large costs of travel, visas, and other touring expenses. [* to defray = to bear or pay all or part of (the costs, expenses, etc.)]

[52:04] The cost of bringing a group from across the world is not for the faint of heart. [* = 気弱な人。小心者]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

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