
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.01]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 28, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:40]★今日のおすすめ★ 最高裁審理 バイデン政権の学生ローン救済策は合法か

[04:35] But standing in their way [* stand in someone's way = …の前に立ちはだかる ]of getting to the merits of that program is a big hurdle. And that is called standing. [* standing(当事者適格,原告適格)という言葉の英語の説明が、この少しあとにある。] Justice Barrett, along with the court's liberal wing, was very focused on standing, which we have talked about before. It is the legal right to actually sue and, here, the challengers have to show that they have a specialized injury, a concrete injury that is traceable to the conduct of the Education Department policy here, and that the court can remedy it. It is a huge hurdle, and my sense after the arguments was also that the lawyers for the challengers were not making really as strong an argument as the government made to oppose standing.

[05:23] But, if they do, they can go on to the merits [* (訴訟において,手続き・技術的問題・個人感情の混じらない)実体上の事項;本案,事柄本来の理非,曲直(ランダムハウス)。the substantive rightness or wrongness of a legal argument, a lawsuit, etc., as opposed to technical matters such as the admissibility of evidence or points of legal procedure (wiktionary)]. And I also know that, if you have five justices who really want to get to the merits, they may likely find standing some way.

[05:51] JOHN ROBERTS, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court: The case reminds me of the one we had a few years ago under a different administration where the administration tried, acting on its own, to cancel the dreamers program, and we blocked that effort. [* dreamers = DACA recipients https://americasvoice.org/blog/what-is-a-dreamer/

[06:33] It has to do with something called the major questions doctrine.[* このあと、major questions doctrineを例を挙げて説明している] The court said in June in a case involving the Clean Air Act and EPA that if an agency issues a policy that has serious major political and economic consequences, then the express [* 明示された] authorization of Congress is required.

[11:59] So, for example, an undergraduate borrower who's taken out $12,000 or less in undergraduate debt could pay 5 percent of their discretionary income for 10 years before the balance of their loans [* ローンの残り] are forgiven.

[12:49] The HEA [* = the Higher Education Act] doesn't exactly lend itself to that argument, whereas, at least in the administration's views, the HEROES Act [* = The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act,] does.

[13:52] 今日のその他のニュース

[18:01]★今日のおすすめ★ パンデミック期のフードスタンプ増額が終了 フード・バンクを取材

[18:43] Thirty-nine-year-old Tiffany Robinson visits the food bank to help stretch the money she receives through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP [* 補助的栄養支援プログラム], the very benefits that will soon be cut back.

[19:01] SNAP, which used to be called food stamps, [* SNAPの旧称がfood stampと言っているが、現在もfood stampという人が多い] is the Department of Agriculture program that provides monthly stipends for lower-income Americans to spend on groceries.

[20:46] Most of these goods come via donations from local grocery stores or bought with local donations, or proceeds from their thrift store [* リサイクルショップ] next door.

[23:01] I think the other thing we have to look at is, down the road, think about summer, when the children are out of school, no free lunches, no free breakfast.
[* https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/child-nutrition-programs/national-school-lunch-program/

[23:10] There are some people in Congress who argue that the SNAP program, the food stamp program, is too expensive, and this pandemic extension, bump-up [* 増額 ] was too much, and that we have to dial those costs down.

[25:13]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争 Buchaの虐殺 戦争犯罪の現場

[27:50] MAN (through translator): Come to us with a sword, die by the sword. [* 類似: live by the sword, die by the sword = One who uses violence can expect a violent response (King James Version of the Bible, Gospel of Matthew, 26:52) (wiktionary) ]

[34:33] 議会襲撃事件 Rupert Murdochの宣誓供述書 Tucker Carlsonに優先的にセキュリティ・ビデオ開示

[40:02] He [* =Trump] is the main proximate cause of the riot. [* proximate cause = 直接的原因 An event which, in a natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces an injury, and without which the injury would not have occurred.(wiktionary)] The committee found evidence of his specific intent to obstruct, interfere or impede the joint session.

[41:47] But the firsthand account of the vice president himself, conversations that he had with the president before January 6, his lived experience during that day would be directly relevant. Again, they would bear potentially upon the president's state of mind. [* to bear on / upon …に関係する、関連する]

[42:03] And the vice president, who had a lot of direct communication with the president might provide really direct information about that. Separate from him, the Justice Department could actually push through privilege assertions [* privilege assertions =行政特権、大統領特権を主張すること。あるいは、議会襲撃事件当時、副大統領は上院議長として議会にいたので、その職責上の特権とも考えられる。 ]

[43:28] (再放送)手が届く値段の住宅を建てる その賛否

[44:42] Though battles over affordable housing are a national commonplace, the counties that make up Long Island have a higher percentage of detached single-family homes [* 一戸建て住宅] than almost any large county in the country.

[45:36] The NIMBYs, the not-in-my-backyard-ers,[* (ここでは住宅建設の話だが)NIMBYは環境問題でよく使われる。例えば、再生可能エネルギーには賛成だが、自宅の近所に風力発電の風車を建てるのは反対、など。] determined to preserve the quiet suburb they moved to and make their resistance heard.

[47:39] More recently, after a Newsday hidden camera investigation, New York state cited [* to cite = 辞書を引くと「出頭を命じる、召喚する」などの訳があるが、交通違反の切符の場合にも使うので、「違反を指摘する」「違反で罰則を科す」くらいの意味か。] three real estate brokerages for discriminating against homebuyers of color.

[50:17] 黒人歴史月間最終日 バージニア大学の黒人肖像写真展 

[51:10] Martin's larger-than-life portrait is featured along with historical items that contextualize [* = to place something or someone in a particular context.] it.

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