
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.12]

PBS News Weekend March 11, 2023
この番組には英語字幕がついていますが、誤りや省略が少なくありません。特に週末版は多いのですが、今日もかなり多くありました。約30分の番組ですが、実際に英語音声をすべて聞いて、字幕の誤りを訂正し、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現など気になった語句の説明を加えて、字幕ファイルを作りました(書き加えた説明は[*   ] )。
動画サイトの字幕が変だなと思った時、この字幕ファイルで謎が解けるかもしれません ^^



■ 英語字幕ファイルのダウンロード 

  • [PBS News Weekend March 11, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード

■ 動画サイトへのリンク


[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:59] 今日のニュースまとめ

[02:48] [* 新型コロナによるこれまでの死者数などの説明] More than 1.1 million people in the United States and nearly 7 million people worldwide have died from the virus. Globally, COVID continues to kill nearly 1000 people a day.

[03:37] Indonesia is on the Pacific Ring of Fire [* 環太平洋火山帯] and has more active volcanoes than any other country.

[04:35] パンデミックが落ち着く中 公的医療費補助を失う人達

[06:41] So, Rachana, are we essentially going back to where we were before the pandemic where there is a Medicaid gap? [* Medicaid gapとは何かの説明がこのあと英語である。] People who earn too much to qualify for medicaid but too little to qualify for the subsidies under the Affordable Care Act [* = Obamacare].

[11:09] アカデミー賞ノミネート作品から見える 映画における女性の活躍の難しさ

[12:30] What I see this Oscar season is something that's played out in years past, which is, we are now getting films, sort of, in that larger conversation that are considered awards-caliber [* 賞を受賞してもいいくらいの優れた(大作)。受賞作品級の。 ] directed by women, but it's still very difficult for them to make it into the final five cut at the Academy Awards

[15:41] Movies about black people particularly when they are about black women and by black women are sort of seen as specialty films. They are seen as films that are not for a, quote unquote, general audience. They sometimes might be seen as homework or obligatory. [* 観たくて観る映画ではなくて、観なくてはいけないとされているから観る映画という意味。]

[17:16] One film that I thought, again -- it was so small that I understand why not a lot of people saw it, but Aftersun. It's a first feature [* feature = feature film = the main, full-length film in a cinema program 主要な長編映画。長編特作映画] from a female director, Charlotte Wells.

[17:45] I also really liked Till. It's about the aftermath of the lynching of Emmett Till. [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till]

[18:44] ショッピング・モールを写真に残す

[19:25] So, this picture ran [* to run = (新聞や雑誌に)載る。掲載される] in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1978.

[20:31] There might be a label scar, [* (この動画に映っているように)店名などを外壁から取り外した後に残る跡]

[21:06] We'll get a snack, we'll go sit by the fountain if they have one. I think that lends itself to [* to lend itself to = to be suitable for …に向いている。…に適している。…に合う。 ] photos that are a little more atmospheric [* = evoking a particular emotional or aesthetic quality 趣のある。雰囲気がある。] and I feel like my photos are little more intimate.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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