

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend May 12, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[04:54] Two years of high prices for everything from groceries to gasoline have left some people struggling to get by until their next payday. To help, some are turning to what are called earned wage access apps, which offer small short-term loans until the next paycheck. Proponents say they help people with low incomes manage their finances. Critics say they can lead to a cycle of overspending and borrowing, and that the costs aren't always clear.

[07:44] The advertising for this is that you're getting an early reach into your paycheck. Is that really what's going on?
The waters are a little muddied right now because some employers do offer earned wage access that's linked directly to your paycheck. So Walmart and Amazon both offer earned wage access without any fees to their employees, which is very different from the direct-to-consumer model. In the direct-to-consumer model, a worker can simply tell the app what their expected wages will be, and that's enough information for these short-term lenders to extend a couple hundred dollars to whoever is using the app. And there's no credit check for these types of loans as well.

[07:24] How are these different from payday loans?
So payday loans typically have very high interest rates like these loans do themselves, but a payday loan might have a balloon payment down the line. They might sue or send a collector after an unpaid debt, which these apps don't do. So there are some key differences.

[24:36] I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I also feel like you picked me. If you had walked away and left me there when I was born, nobody would have looked askance.


それでも分からない場合、下の有料部分に語句説明があります。辞書の定義では分かりにくい時は、文脈の中でどのような意味で使われているかを説明しています。説明はほとんどすべて英語で書いています (英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう)。


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • to go towards/ keep in mind that when these apps ask for tips, it may sound like they're going towards other vulnerable consumers and low-income people who need to make ends meet. But in fact, many of those tips simply support the company's operations themselves.

  • to take to/ When I married my husband, it was very delightful to have my stepdaughter come into my life. She has taken to calling me her bonus mom, which is super cool.

  • to mother/ there are many ways that we are mothered and that there are many different types of mothers out there.

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