
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.23]

PBS NewsHour March 22, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:10] FRB 0.25%利上げ リポートのあとエコノミストに聞く

[05:48] Would this have been different, would we be having a different conversation today if we hadn't just seen the second largest bank failure in U.S. history and the entire banking industry wasn't on eggshells? [* be on eggshells = in a fragile state  類似:to walk on eggshells = to exercise extreme caution; to take steps gingerly. ]

[10:13] 今日のその他のニュース

[13:55]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ前大統領の起訴はあるのか 共和党の今後は 共和党の戦略家に聞く

[15:37] Meantime, President Trump's allies in the House, to include a trio of committee leaders, have used their new majority to demand the testimony of the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg. It reads [* to read  …と解釈される。…という印象を与える] to many people like an extraordinary effort to influence an ongoing grand jury deliberation, investigation.

[15:56] This topic has also consumed much of the GOP's retreat [* a retreat is a meeting designed and organized to facilitate the ability of a group to step back from day-to-day activities for a period of concentrated discussion, dialogue, and strategic thinking about their organization’s future or specific issues ] in Florida this past week, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy talking to reporters.

[17:03] And one of these places, he [* = Trump] might have just done something wrong, which means he will be indicted, and then potentially found guilty. And so this is where Republicans have backed themselves in a corner. [* to back oneself into a corner = to put oneself in a bad position自分で自分を悪い立場に追い込む ]

[21:06] 臓器移植の待ち時間を減らす抜本改革 現場の医師に聞く

[24:30] Well, quite frankly, simply put, you have to have resources to be able to complete your evaluation and your workup [* = a thorough medical examination for diagnostic purposes ] to make it to the waiting list. So, if you look, there are about 700,000 Americans that have kidney failure. Fewer than 100,000 are currently wait-listed for transplant.

[27:21] へき地医療を考えるシリーズの第1回

[32:26] A certain percentage of my people don't have indoor plumbing [* (外ではなく)屋内にあるトイレ] still. Access to power in certain regions here is still not 100 percent available.

[36:25] 連邦最高裁が犬用おもちゃを巡って審理 争点は表現の自由と商標保護

[37:02] For more than 120 years, Jack Daniel's has used a distinctive square bottle adorned with Old No. 7 and Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey. [* https://thewhiskeywash.com/lifestyle/sour-mash-whiskey/]

[37:55] Free speech advocates lined up behind the dog toy company, filing amicus briefs [* アミカス・ブリーフ。法廷助言書。被告のために法廷助言者(事件の当事者ではない第三者)が裁判所に提出する意見陳述書(『英辞郎』)] defending parody as a recognized form of social commentary.

[41:03]★今日のおすすめ★ Darren Walkerフォード財団会長へのインタビュー 慈善にとどまらず万人の公正のために

[41:03] In 1889, the industrialist Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men of his age, wrote an essay titled "The Gospel of Wealth," calling on those with money to use it to promote the general good [* = 公共の利益。公益] , and laying a foundation for philanthropy in this country.

[43:10] Walker is now part of the power elite. [* = the inner circle of powerholders in modern US society, according to C. Wright MILLS. https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/power+elite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elite#Power_elite] But his roots go back to small-town East Texas, where he was raised by a single mother who worked as a nurse's aide.

[48:45]★今日のおすすめ★ プロ野球開幕間近 新ルールでエキサイティングなゲームに

[49:22] The matchups -- this game was between the San Francisco Giants and the Milwaukee Brewers -- gives players a chance to find their groove [* to find one's groove < If you can't "find your groove," you feel off track and out of whack. But when you're "in the groove," everything is working smoothly and you've found a good routine. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/groove ] before opening day.

[49:40] [* 4つのルール変更点] You have the pitch timer, the bigger bases, the ban on shifts, and the limited pickoff attempts.
STEPHANIE SY: Shea explained the new rules before play started. JOHN SHEA: The biggest rule changed is the pitch clock, which is going to make the pace of the game much quicker. And the pitch timer makes sure that the pitcher will throw the ball within 20 seconds with a runner on base or within 15 seconds with nobody on base.

[50:05] Gabe Kapler, the Giants manager, was initially indifferent about the new rules. Now that he's seen them in action. he's sold [* 納得した].

[50:31] Why do you think it's stupid?
RHODES POWELSON: Because it's an automatic ball if they don't throw it in 20 seconds. [* 制限時間内に投球しないと自動的にボールになる。]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
