

PBS News Weekend May 28, 2023





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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:59]★今日のおすすめ★ 債務上限引き上げ原則合意 議会通過出来るかが今後の鍵 2人の政治記者(Lisa DesjardinsとDomenico Montanaro)に聞く

[04:29] But he [* = Chip Roy ] also sits on the House Rules Committee [* = 下院議事運営委員会。議事運営をはかどらせるための規則・方法を取り決める権限を持つ;通例,法案を上程する日程を決める(ランダムハウス)。// 債務上限引き上げに下院議長とバイデン政権は合意したが、 下院議事運営委員会の超保守派の動き次第で、関連法案がデフォルト期限までに成立するかは予断を許さない] , John. He, and if two others join him, and there are two others who may not like this deal, nothing will even get out of committee.

[04:42] On the left, progressives really up in arms [* up in arms = angry; incensed; preparing for a fight (wiktionary) ] over the work requirements.

[06:15] Political messaging-wise, this being kicked past 2024 and Biden being able to say, look, we made a deal that was compromised and targeting the middle, that sounds like music to his ears [* music to someone's ears = good news; something that someone is very happy to hear] when it comes to being able to win over those swing voters.

[07:22] You talked about the possibility it may not get out of Rules [* = House Rules Committeeのこと ] , may not even get to the floor. But, what should we be looking for in the days ahead?

[08:42] John: Lisa, whenever we come to the precipice of a default, there's always talk about doing away with the debt ceiling. Is there talk about that now? And, do you think it would happen?
Lisa: there has been talk about that but there is not -- it's not very loud and it's not by the most muscular forces in Congress, right now. Both parties, it sort of like the filibuster. They're worried that when they're out of power, it's something that they can use as a tool. Republicans more than Democrats, but it's not serious talk of getting rid of it right now. [* これまで何度もデフォルトの危機があったが、そもそもなぜ債務上限をなくそうとしないのか。少数党になった時、交渉の道具として使う(上院の少数派が使うfilibusterのようなもの)ために残しておきたいというのが本音。民主党より共和党の方が、その思いは強いが、両党とも債務上限撤廃を今のところ本気で望んでいない。]

[09:27] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[11:32]★今日のおすすめ★ 医療通訳が不足するアジア・太平洋諸島系アメリカ人コミュニティー

[15:22] And so, what could be something that we can easily manage or manage with proper care ends up becoming catastrophic in many cases.
Ali: That's why the gold standard [* gold standard = a model of excellence (freedictionary) ] is in-person medical interpreters.

[20:06] 5月はアジア・太平洋諸島系アメリカ人歴史遺産月間 戦没将兵記念日の今週末はFrancis Brown Wai陸軍大尉の英雄的行動を取り上げる

[21:11] He died while leading the assault on the last remaining Japanese pillbox [* = a small low concrete emplacement for machine guns and antitank weapons. 〔機関銃を配置した〕小型シェルター,トーチカ 『英辞郎』] .

[* see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_B._Wai   ]

[22:34] 第二次世界大戦末期の葬送のラッパ手Harrison Wright陸軍軍曹

[22:34] John: And now on this day before Memorial Day, a piece from StoryCorps [* https://storycorps.org/ ] .

[25:03] So, amid the barbecues and mattress sales [* なぜ戦没将兵記念日にマットレス・セールなのかの説明 ] , I hope you'll take some time to think about the hundreds of thousands of men and women who gave their lives so the rest of us could enjoy things like that.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News






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