
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.06.13☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS NewsHour

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour June 12, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • Wiktionary

  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[14:42] The Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed a lawsuit from the last known survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre; 109-year-old Lessie Benningfield Randle and Viola Fletcher, who's 110, were seeking reparations for the destruction of the once thriving Black district known as Black Wall Street. The plaintiffs cited Oklahoma's public nuisance law in arguing that the actions of a white mob in 1921 continue to affect the city today. As many as 300 Black Tulsans were killed and thousands of survivors were forced for a time into internment camps overseen by the National Guard. Today, a nine-member court upheld a district judge's decision last year, saying that the plaintiff's grievances, while legitimate, do not apply to the statute.

[15:48] And a passing of note. Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West has died. A Los Angeles Lakers legend, West was also a literal icon. His silhouette is understood to be the logo of the NBA. West was nicknamed Mr. Clutch during his 14 seasons playing for the Lakers.

[19:06] DIANE SWONK, Chief Economist, KPMG: Those who get hurt from higher for longer interest rates are everything from small and mid-sized businesses that are set to reprice their loans this year -- they're not in fixed-price loans -- and also consumers, particularly low-income consumers and younger borrowers, who are seeing the rates compound on their credit cards. They have already tapped out their credit cards to make ends meet and are now having that compounding rate at a very high rate, which means you're seeing delinquencies rise as well.

[19:34] GEOFF BENNETT: The inflation news also finally contained a bit of good news about your auto insurance premiums. They have been rising for months and are one part of why inflation has had such a bite. While they finally dipped just a bit today, they remain much higher than a few years ago.

[20:39] PAUL SOLMAN: Like a busted rearview mirror and a parking sensor knocked loose before I bought the car. See, you can see where the crack was. Look. Body shop quote, $3,000. But my wife glued the mirror housing, impressing Steve...
STEVE REGAN: She did a good job.
PAUL SOLMAN: ... who advised reattaching the dangling forever beeping sensor. STEVE REGAN: I see your tape job.
PAUL SOLMAN: Yes, and?
STEVE REGAN: And I wouldn't give up your day job.
PAUL SOLMAN: I don't intend to.

[24:02] ADAM SIEGEL: Let's say we order a bumper from Mercedes. They will charge us a $150 to $300 core deposit. And in order for us to get that money back, we have to give them the old bumper. The reason they do that is to eliminate these bumpers from the market in general.

[24:21] PAUL SOLMAN: And get this. Because repairing a modern car costs so much, damaged vehicles, especially high-end ones, are often considered totaled. So cars that could last 15 to 20 years or more are regularly soon scrapped.

ADAM SIEGEL: A lot of these luxury cars, the parts prices are so high that it is difficult to get into a repair of a car that's seven to 10 years old without totaling it out, because there's just not that many aftermarket options for these vehicles.

[35:18] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: One of the players in your book is Leonard Leo, key leader in this interconnected web, as you mentioned, Lisa. He's the co-chair of the conservative legal group the Federalist Society.

[37:48] The dynamics shifted overnight in terms of the politics. Now you have this very engaged group of voters who support abortion rights, and they come out and they vote, and they vote for candidates, largely Democrats, who share their views. That makes something like a 15-week federal ban much harder to get through than it would have been previously. They are not -- the right is no longer benefiting from the spell of denial, where people weren't paying attention or really just believed in this inviolability of Roe.

[41:50] DAN SEGAL, Attorney: I mean, Israel is a small country, so everybody -- everybody knew somebody, not six degrees of connection, one degree of connection.

[43:01] ALLISON MICKEL: I think people act like it's impossible, but it actually is very possible and very easy to hold both mourning and sadness and worry for people who were attacked unsuspectingly, but also to know that the other shoe is going to drop and to just know it's going to be so bad and so bloody.

[51:56] RUTHI LYNN: I'm not minimizing the importance of long-term discussion and bridging gaps and patience, tolerance. But there is another part of me, which just says, OK, this is great, but here we go again. This isn't our first rodeo as the Jewish people. We have hostages. We have 19-year-old, 20-year-old soldiers being killed. We have generational trauma.


それでも分からない場合、下の有料部分に語句説明があります。辞書の定義では分かりにくい時は、文脈の中でどのような意味で使われているかを説明しています。説明はほとんどすべて英語で書いています (英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう)。


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • workable/ Some of those are workable changes

  • KPMG

  • principal/ a third-generation principal at family-owned Webster Auto

  • take to/ Our book really looks at what we have taken to calling the final decade of the Roe era, this 10-year period between President Obama's reelection and the decision that eventually ended Roe.

  • Sexual Revolution

  • delineation/ There is a delineation now in my life of before October 7 and after

  • unsee/ I was waking up to images sent through WhatsApp of just body parts of children that I will never unsee.

  • Reform rabbi

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