
Global Leadership Seminar with Ms. Hazuki Tanaka, Founder of the Hayama International School🌎📚

(English Translation follows Japanese)





今回このような貎重な機䌚を可胜にしおくださった、田䞭氏、Hayama International School、そしおこのプロゞェクトをサポヌトし、運営資金を提䟛しおくださったJapan ICU FoundationJICUFに感謝臎したす


Voices of Selfmade (VSM) on Instagram: "(English translation follows Japanese) Global Leadership Seminar w/ Ms. Hazuki Tanaka, Hayama International School創立者 📚🌏 4月13日、葉山むンタヌナショナルスクヌル癜金台キャンパスにお、創立者である田䞭葉月氏によるグロヌバルリヌダヌシップセミナヌを開催したした 囜際基督教倧孊を始めずする日本の倧孊の孊生や新瀟䌚人の方々が参加し、教育者ずしお、たた日本でむンタヌナショナルスクヌルを蚭立した起業家ずしお田䞭氏の経隓や教育哲孊を孊び、有意矩なディスカッションが繰り広げられたした。 これからの䞖界は、倚様な背景、文化、䟡倀芳を持぀人々ずの亀流が求められおいたす。そのような未来に向けお、グロヌバルな芖野が必芁ずなりたす。 グロヌバルな芖野=自分の考えや行動を、単に自囜内や特定の地域だけでなく、䞖界党䜓や囜際的な芖点から捉えるこずです。グロヌバル教育ずは、英語の蚀語習埗にずどたらず、グロヌバルな芖野で物事をずらえ、考える力を逊う教育のこずを呌びたすが、田䞭氏ずのディスカッションでは、グロヌバル教育に関しおも沢山の意芋亀換がなされ、盛り䞊がりたした 今回このような貎重な機䌚を可胜にしおくださった、田䞭氏、Hayama International School、そしおこのプロゞェクトをサポヌトし、運営資金を提䟛しおくださったJapan ICU FoundationJICUFに感謝臎したす これからも、このような䞖界のリヌダヌの情報やむベントを発信しおいくので、是非プロフィヌルのリンクからニュヌスレタヌに登録お願い臎したす (English translation below) On April 13, we hosted a Global Leadership Seminar with Ms. Hazuki Tanaka at the Hayama International School Shirokanedai Campus @hayamainternational Students from the International Christian University @icuofficialtokyo and other Japanese Universities, as well as young professionals learned from Ms. Tanaka’s education and philosophy as an educator and an entrepreneur who established an international school in Japan. We live in an increasingly globalized world, where interaction with people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and values are becoming commonplace. Such a future requires one to have a global perspective. A global perspective is to view one’s thoughts and actions not only from a specific country or region, but also from a world-wide perspective. Global education refers to an education that goes beyond English language acquisition to cultivate the ability to foster individuals to see see, think, and act from a global perspective. We are sincerely grateful for Ms. Tanaka, the Hayama International School, and Japan ICU Foundation @japanicufoundation for supporting and funding this inspiring initiative! To keep updated with our latest events and news, please subscribe to our newsletter via the link in our bio!" 19 likes, 4 comments - voicesofselfmade on April 28, 2024: "( www.instagram.com

(English translation below)

On April 13, we hosted a Global Leadership Seminar with Ms. Hazuki Tanaka at the Hayama International School Shirokanedai Campus Hayama International School.

Students from the ICU International Christian University and other Japanese Universities, as well as young professionals learned from Ms. Tanaka’s education and philosophy as an educator and an entrepreneur who established an international school in Japan.

We live in an increasingly globalized world, where interaction with people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and values are becoming commonplace. Such a future requires one to have a global perspective.

A global perspective is to view one’s thoughts and actions not only from a specific country or region, but also from a world-wide perspective. Global education refers to an education that goes beyond English language acquisition to cultivate the ability to foster individuals to see see, think, and act from a global perspective.

We are sincerely grateful for Ms. Tanaka, the Hayama International School, and Japan ICU Foundation for funding and supporting this inspiring initiative!

For further event details, please see the Instagram recap video below! Please follow us to stay updated about our events and news! : 

Voices of Selfmade (VSM) on Instagram: "(English translation follows Japanese) Global Leadership Seminar w/ Ms. Hazuki Tanaka, Hayama International School創立者 📚🌏 4月13日、葉山むンタヌナショナルスクヌル癜金台キャンパスにお、創立者である田䞭葉月氏によるグロヌバルリヌダヌシップセミナヌを開催したした 囜際基督教倧孊を始めずする日本の倧孊の孊生や新瀟䌚人の方々が参加し、教育者ずしお、たた日本でむンタヌナショナルスクヌルを蚭立した起業家ずしお田䞭氏の経隓や教育哲孊を孊び、有意矩なディスカッションが繰り広げられたした。 これからの䞖界は、倚様な背景、文化、䟡倀芳を持぀人々ずの亀流が求められおいたす。そのような未来に向けお、グロヌバルな芖野が必芁ずなりたす。 グロヌバルな芖野=自分の考えや行動を、単に自囜内や特定の地域だけでなく、䞖界党䜓や囜際的な芖点から捉えるこずです。グロヌバル教育ずは、英語の蚀語習埗にずどたらず、グロヌバルな芖野で物事をずらえ、考える力を逊う教育のこずを呌びたすが、田䞭氏ずのディスカッションでは、グロヌバル教育に関しおも沢山の意芋亀換がなされ、盛り䞊がりたした 今回このような貎重な機䌚を可胜にしおくださった、田䞭氏、Hayama International School、そしおこのプロゞェクトをサポヌトし、運営資金を提䟛しおくださったJapan ICU FoundationJICUFに感謝臎したす これからも、このような䞖界のリヌダヌの情報やむベントを発信しおいくので、是非プロフィヌルのリンクからニュヌスレタヌに登録お願い臎したす (English translation below) On April 13, we hosted a Global Leadership Seminar with Ms. Hazuki Tanaka at the Hayama International School Shirokanedai Campus @hayamainternational Students from the International Christian University @icuofficialtokyo and other Japanese Universities, as well as young professionals learned from Ms. Tanaka’s education and philosophy as an educator and an entrepreneur who established an international school in Japan. We live in an increasingly globalized world, where interaction with people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and values are becoming commonplace. Such a future requires one to have a global perspective. A global perspective is to view one’s thoughts and actions not only from a specific country or region, but also from a world-wide perspective. Global education refers to an education that goes beyond English language acquisition to cultivate the ability to foster individuals to see see, think, and act from a global perspective. We are sincerely grateful for Ms. Tanaka, the Hayama International School, and Japan ICU Foundation @japanicufoundation for supporting and funding this inspiring initiative! To keep updated with our latest events and news, please subscribe to our newsletter via the link in our bio!" 19 likes, 4 comments - voicesofselfmade on April 28, 2024: "( www.instagram.com
