


 饒舌な人を前にすると強気な人だな、と一歩引いていたことが多く、今もそうなのですが、そういう人たちは大体僕よりも年上でまあ人生経験も豊富なわけで、今考えると、僕はやっぱりテクノ・ゆとり世代というか、ディスカッションとか、友達と一緒に遊ぶことはあっても一緒にディスカッションすることが少なかったのかもしれないです。そのことに今気づきました。Joe Roganの話を聞いてて、年上の友達と最近よくディスカッションするな、と思って気付いた感じです。仮にディスカッションで反対意見があったとしても、それはそれ、としてそのまま次に進む。その力?




Podcasts are popular nowadays, particularly discussions. Interests into viewpoints they have, how they speak, what kind of words they choose, how they present ideas….I noticed the value of discussion on top of someone’s viewpoint itself. When I face someone so eloquent, I often took a step back from their confidence. They often were older and more experienced than me, and I am with no doubt from a soft millennial generation, not so experienced in having discussions with friends. I just noticed that people who are older than me, my friends, or even the guests in Joe Rogan's podcast, they tend to discuss things with no difficulty moving on to the next topic with /without a disagreement.
I recently had a disagreement about ideas about Islam and religions in general with my friend. That disagreement itself did not affect our friendship at all. That was because we both knew we were having a discussion, and also we were listening to each other, also pretty drunk. More concretely, my friend was saying that religions have the potential to be radically violent, and as long as they exist, it is difficult for us to coexist, and one of the examples he used was Islam. Meanwhile, we both have Muslim friends. My view was that religions have taken so many years to this recent time of change and adaptability, and they will keep changing to more flexible ways. And the change will take more time than it has taken until now.


I still think about that conversation now, but religion is just part of the components of a person. What else is there in that person? My friend dislikes Islam. Honestly, that sounded radical and I disagree with that point of view. And that is part of his personality. But he also has other parts that I like. Overall, we are still good friends…that is how I roll apparently…
I also noticed my lack of vocabulary. When I was typing stories or emails, I recalled that I used to read a lot of books in elementary school, which helped me to write well in class. Reading books helps a lot.
It gets tiring though, having a discussion, especially when we get stuck. The more we know about each other, the more complicated it gets. It is a skill. Not just moving on, but also digest the info, talk and discuss it…defeating someone in discussion does not appeal to me and neither does listening to someone who keeps talking.
It gets fun, without any skills of a debater, to discuss like an intelligent person with a good friend about stuff like love, religions, movies, Joker, acting, politics, or cleaning.
Increasing popularity in long conversations, listening, and also educational podcasts = Feeling like having not enough time, skimming through online news articles, fast-paced info consumption environment, a long hours podcast getting popular is very interesting. 

Writing this reminded me of a TV channel, 8 or 11 in Japan, their educational programs were so much more boring than textbooks for sure. Most likely it was just so one-directional. Cheer up yo Hoso Daigaku! I will cheer up myself in a $250/month haunted room.

