






Memory: - Chopsticks vs… 

Another day, well I think around the end of last year, my half-Lebanese & half-British friend and I were having a very heated conversation about how different groups of people started using chopsticks vs forks and spoons. In the end, I think the discussion (or fight) landed somewhere like people who invented things or initiated doing stuff such as drinking fermented alcohols, riding on horses, drinking cow milk, discovering spoons, were all well chuffed.
(I personally suspect that the guys who started drinking cow milk chose the dare over truth)
In terms of cutleries, maybe it was just a stick for fire, next (or at the same time) were bowl to scoop up liquid, and then maybe spoons. My friend insisted on forks and spoons are way easier to use and therefore superior. However, Asians use spoons too so the discussion really should have been about chopsticks vs forks, not chopsticks vs forks and spoons…
Anyhow, how did that happen?


Diversity can be a quick answer. They seem to be the kind of inventions that no longer evolve as so many people have already ground and polished their ideas on them. Would they be marginalized at some point? Would they be assimilated into anything? If someone invents something new, would he/she publish that immediately or stay chuffed for a while? If the apes go through the stone age, would they reach any different conclusions?
(Someone started selling special chopsticks for kids recently)
Pok Choy and spinaches that I planted started growing recently. Feels nice, this experiment. I don’t know why. I bought them at vegetable stores, cut their roots, and planted them in my backyard, simple as that, but watching them grow is pretty fun. Self-satisfaction at the highest level…Something you make seems to look better than how it actually is. Like my works or pieces. That is kinda scary. Onions and carrots might be all dead…sorry guys…

