ブラック企業との戦い "The Fight Against the Black Corporation"



ユミは電話を手にしっかりと握りしめながら、緊張した様子で居間に座っていた。 彼女は夫のタカシからの電話を24時間以上待っていた。 彼は仕事から帰ってきておらず、彼女は心配していた。 彼女は、彼が雇われたソフトウェア開発会社で長時間働き、最近多くのストレスにさらされていることを知っていた。しかし、彼女はそれがここまで来るとは思っていなかった。

タカシは昔から働き者だったが、最近は帰りが遅くなっていた。 ユミはそのことについて彼に話そうとしたが、彼はいつも仕事の一部だと言って一蹴した。しかし今、彼はいなくなり、彼女は彼がどこにいるのかわからなかった。


眠れぬ夜を過ごした後、由美は自分の手で問題を解決することにした。 彼女は夫が行方不明になったことを報告するために警察署に行ったが、彼らは少なくとも48時間いなくなるまで何もできないと彼女に言った。ユミはそんなに長く待てないことを知っていたので、自分で探すことを決めた。


ユミはショックを受けて怒った。 会社はどうして、従業員をこのように扱うのか?しかし、ユミは夫を見つけて正義を勝ち取ろうと決心した。















タカシはやがて病気から回復し、仕事に戻ることができた。 彼は、従業員を尊重し、健康的なワークライフ バランスを実現できる会社で新しい仕事を見つけた。 ユミは、夫が経験したトラウマを克服しようとする回復力と決意を誇りに思っていた。 一緒に、彼らは労働者の権利のために戦い続け、ブラック企業の危険性についての意識を高めた。彼ら夫婦は、講演などを行い、啓発活動を行った。

This work is fiction.

Chapter 1

Yumi sat nervously in her living room with her phone tightly in her hand. She had been waiting for a call from her husband Takashi for over 24 hours. He hadn't come home from his job, and she was worried. She knew he had been under a lot of stress lately, working long hours at the software development company he was hired for. But she never thought it would come this far.

Takashi has always been a hard worker, but lately he's been coming home late. Yumi tried to talk to him about it, but he dismissed him, saying it was always part of her job, but now he was gone and she didn't know where he was.

Chapter 2

After her sleepless nights, Yumi decided to take matters into her own hands. She went to the police station to report her husband missing, but they told her nothing could be done until he was gone for at least 48 hours. Yumi knew she couldn't wait that long, so she decided to find out for herself.

She started by calling Takashi's colleagues, but they seemed to avoid her questions. It wasn't until she told one of Takashi's friends that she learned the truth about her. Takashi worked for a black company with a reputation for overworking his employees. A friend of his told her that Takashi worked 18 hours a day, sometimes without breaks.

Yumi was shocked and she got angry. Why do companies treat their employees this way? But Yumi is determined to find her husband and win her justice.

Chapter 3

Yumi spent the next few days looking for Takashi. "Speaking of which, he liked Shinjuku..." She searched all the places in Shinjuku that he could go. Then, by chance, she finds Takashi on the roof of a building, trying to climb a fence.

"No, Takashi! Don't do anything until I go!"

Calling out in a loud voice, Yumi sprinted up the stairs of the building and rescued Takashi. Takashi was crying.

Yumi hugged Takashi. As if to thank her for all her hardships and pain.

"I...I can't do it anymore...I want to die..."

"No, don't die! You're not at fault! The company is at fault! You, I, will fight your company!"

Takashi was diagnosed at the hospital as suffering from severe fatigue and mental breakdown. It was decided that he would be hospitalized immediately.

Chapter 4

Yumi decided to file a lawsuit against her company. She found a lawyer who specialized in labor law and filed a lawsuit against the black company. The ordeal was long and painful, but Yumi was determined to see through to the end. She testified in court about the company's abusive behavior and brought her witnesses to back up her claims.

Hiroyuki, Takashi's classmate and best friend. Hiroyuki watched Takashi working at the company overnight, even while he slept. In addition, Takashi's boss was recorded shouting, "Slow! You're late for work! Don't go home and work! Stay up all night!"

Chapter 5

In the end, Yumi and her lawyer were able to win the case. The black company was convicted of labor law violations and forced to pay Takashi and other employees a large settlement. Knowing that Yumi stood up for her husband and for the rights of all workers exploited by her employers, she felt she was right. rice field.


Takashi eventually recovered from his illness and was able to return to work. He found a new job at a company that respects its employees and allows him to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Yumi was proud of her resilience and her determination to overcome the trauma her husband had experienced. Together, they continued to fight for workers' rights and raise awareness about the dangers of black businesses. The couple gave lectures and carried out enlightenment activities.
