Link between the global movement of people and emerging infectious diseases


Although monitoring of influenza virus has existed for many decades, influenza continues to cause epidemics around the world every year. In the 2019–2020 and 2020–2021-year periods, the number of people infected with seasonal influenza virus decreased significantly from prior years.

Masks, hand washing, and social distance, all measures against COVID-19 infection, are also considered the cause of lower influenza infection counts. However, even in South American countries where COVID-19 infection control measures are weak, the number of people infected with the seasonal influenza virus has decreased significantly. This suggests the presence of at least one other factor that is at work in preventing either or both COVID-19 and seasonal influenza.

The global movement of people may help spread emerging infectious diseases. Airplanes and other airways have enriched people's lives, but they can also lead to pandemics of emerging infectious diseases. To consider ways to protect against the spread of emerging infectious diseases that may occur in the future, we must discuss the relationship between global travel and spread of emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

Doctor specializing in cancer treatment/Cancer Genome Medicine/Emerging infectious diseases                            New Engl J Med. April 04, 2021. Published by Kyoto@Takuma H
