
Made the sugar-free Chikuzen-boil for lunch. It was good.

Today I made a simmered dish called "Chikuzen-boil" as a lunch. The ingredients were konjac, carrots, pea beans, and Shiitake mushroom(plus I added yellow zucchini to make it look good, though this vegetable is not common for this dish).

Even before it was cooked, I had decided not to add any sugar this time. Some of you may know that I have been working on detoxing around candida and parasites by taking herbal supplements and noni juice. Sugar is a favorite of them. They make us addicted and even feel as if it is necessary for living. But actually it is for them. The past few days, when I had a sweet craving, I tried not to dare to ingest it. Instead, I was trying to drink coffee since it makes me feel full to some extent(I know caffeine can increase candida, but it's better than eating sweets and such.)

Anyway, the sugar-free Chikuzen-boil was so delicious. For the time being, I'm going to try not to consume any sugar, let alone sweets.
