
24 Years Old. This is My Diary.


24 Years Old. This is My Diary.


Shopping mall on Saturday.

【2021年12月11日】 今日は土曜日。朝から雨が降ったりやんだり。 外を歩き回るのはやめておこう…ということで仕事に向かうお兄ちゃんに 車で送ってもらい、ショッピン…


Settling down.

【2021年12月10日】現在ギリシャと日本の時差は7時間。 私はヨーロッパへ行くと必ず時差ボケに苦しみます…。         朝方4時頃に目が覚めて(日本時間11時…


My 3 months in Athens.

今まで note には英語日記を綴ってきましたが、今回ギリシャでの3か月間を振り返り投稿しようと決めたとき、より多くの方々に読んでいただきたい!と思い日本語で日記を書…


1st January 2022 -Saturday-

My life in Greece. It's been almost a month since I came here. Currently, I live in Athens with my Greek boyfriend. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to say, Happy New…


10th December 2021 - Friday

What time is it now? It's 2:36 am. No no, I'm not staying up late, but I woke up way too early because of the jet lag. There are 7 hours of time difference betw…


7th November 2021 - Κυριακή

The first time I wrote here was on 22nd November 2020. It's been almost a year, time flies... I started writing a diary when I was in high school because I k…


I have work on Sundays.

7th March 2021 -Sunday- I have work on Sundays. It's been a year since I came home. From where? Well, from a cruise ship where I used to work till last March.…


Tomorrow is my birthday.

Tomorrow, I’ll be 23. So let me look back what happened in my 22... On my last birthday, I was working on a cruise ship and we were at the port in Hong Kong. …


7th December -Monday-

Wait, is it already Monday? What was I doing on last weekend?... Time flies and I've been very lazy these days... :( We woke up at 9am and had our morning coff…


4th December -Friday-

Finally, I spent a night without having strange dreams and slept like a baby :) We woke up at 9:30am and I made our coffee. He started cooking bolognese sauce…


2nd December -Wednesday-

Last night's dream... I was at the Heathrow airport in London and I had a flight ticket to go to Vietnam. I arrived at the airport at 5am and my boarding time w…


1st December -Tuesday-

Happy December! Ho Ho Ho ! Yes, the Christmas is coming soon! Well, my family don't celebrate Christmas so there's no special memory but I like choosing a Chri…


30th November -Monday-

Can you believe it's the end of November already? Only a month left in this year... this year feels like a roller-coaster for me. I've experienced so many thing…


28th November -Saturday-

How I met my best friend, Sarah. She is from Malaysia and studying culinary arts at university in England. We met in a university accommodation because we were…


27th November -Friday-

I had a strange dream again. I was on a double date with my best friend Sarah. She is Malaysian and she has an English boyfriend. And I was with my ex boyfriend…


26th November -Thursday-

I woke up at 8am and tried to woke him up too but I fell asleep again... I'm having strange dreams these days and I wake up feeling tired... maybe that's why I…


Shopping mall on Saturday.

【2021年12月11日】 今日は土曜日。朝から雨が降ったりやんだり。 外を歩き回るのはやめておこう…ということで仕事に向かうお兄ちゃんに 車で送ってもらい、ショッピングモールに行きました! 特に欲しい物はなかったけど、お部屋をリフォーム中のピトくんと一緒に色々な家具やインテリアのお店を回って楽しみました♪  まずは、Golden Hallというアテネにある大きなショッピングモールに行き、1時間くらい歩き回って… お昼ご飯を食べた後は、The Mall Athens

Settling down.

【2021年12月10日】現在ギリシャと日本の時差は7時間。 私はヨーロッパへ行くと必ず時差ボケに苦しみます…。         朝方4時頃に目が覚めて(日本時間11時)そのまま寝れずキッチンへ。 寝ているピトくんを起こさないように部屋を出たつもりですが、私が起きたことに気付いたのか起きてコーヒーを淹れてくれました。こういう優しさに、毎日惚れ直します♡ そのまま朝を迎え、一緒に住んでいるピトくんの年子のお兄ちゃんと、遊びに来てたお兄ちゃんの彼女にご挨拶。 「さて、どこか

My 3 months in Athens.

今まで note には英語日記を綴ってきましたが、今回ギリシャでの3か月間を振り返り投稿しようと決めたとき、より多くの方々に読んでいただきたい!と思い日本語で日記を書こうと思います。 2021年12月から2022年3月までの3ケ月間をギリシャの首都アテネで過ごしました。渡航の理由は、、、私の彼氏はギリシャ人(愛称:ピトくん)で 約1年間の遠距離状態だったからです。彼が日本に来られる日を待っていましたが、まだまだ日本の国境開放までに先は長そうなので、とりあえず  今回は私が会

1st January 2022 -Saturday-

My life in Greece. It's been almost a month since I came here. Currently, I live in Athens with my Greek boyfriend. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to say, Happy New Year everyone! May this year blesses you with health, wealth, and happiness :)

10th December 2021 - Friday

What time is it now? It's 2:36 am. No no, I'm not staying up late, but I woke up way too early because of the jet lag. There are 7 hours of time difference between Japan and Greece. Oh yes, I made it to Greece safely! I was very

7th November 2021 - Κυριακή

The first time I wrote here was on 22nd November 2020. It's been almost a year, time flies... I started writing a diary when I was in high school because I knew the best way to express myself was by writing, but suddenly it became heavy

I have work on Sundays.

7th March 2021 -Sunday- I have work on Sundays. It's been a year since I came home. From where? Well, from a cruise ship where I used to work till last March. A year ago, I was locked up on a Diamond P------ for a month and had an unforge

Tomorrow is my birthday.

Tomorrow, I’ll be 23. So let me look back what happened in my 22... On my last birthday, I was working on a cruise ship and we were at the port in Hong Kong. After my duty, I went out with my colleagues to have a dinner and enjoyed it a lo

7th December -Monday-

Wait, is it already Monday? What was I doing on last weekend?... Time flies and I've been very lazy these days... :( We woke up at 9am and had our morning coffee. We didn't feel like eating any breakfast and didn't feel like doing anything

4th December -Friday-

Finally, I spent a night without having strange dreams and slept like a baby :) We woke up at 9:30am and I made our coffee. He started cooking bolognese sauce from the morning because the meat was expiring today. He made us bolognese past

2nd December -Wednesday-

Last night's dream... I was at the Heathrow airport in London and I had a flight ticket to go to Vietnam. I arrived at the airport at 5am and my boarding time was supposed to be at 7am. The airport was not crowded so I went through the gate

1st December -Tuesday-

Happy December! Ho Ho Ho ! Yes, the Christmas is coming soon! Well, my family don't celebrate Christmas so there's no special memory but I like choosing a Christmas cake with my mum :) When was the last time I got a Christmas present from

30th November -Monday-

Can you believe it's the end of November already? Only a month left in this year... this year feels like a roller-coaster for me. I've experienced so many things, especially when I was locked up on a cruise ship for a month... well, let's t

28th November -Saturday-

How I met my best friend, Sarah. She is from Malaysia and studying culinary arts at university in England. We met in a university accommodation because we were flat mates. I was studying in Malaysia for 2 years before I went to the UK so

27th November -Friday-

I had a strange dream again. I was on a double date with my best friend Sarah. She is Malaysian and she has an English boyfriend. And I was with my ex boyfriend who is also English. It was so weird, I have no idea why I was with my ex in my

26th November -Thursday-

I woke up at 8am and tried to woke him up too but I fell asleep again... I'm having strange dreams these days and I wake up feeling tired... maybe that's why I can't wake up early. We finally got out of the bed at 9am and he made us cappu