
28th November -Saturday-

How I met my best friend, Sarah.

She is from Malaysia and studying culinary arts at university in England. We met in a university accommodation because we were flat mates.

I was studying in Malaysia for 2 years before I went to the UK so it didn’t take time for us to be friends :) She is 2 years older than me and she took care of me like her sister when I was studying there.
Even after I graduated and started working on a cruise ship, we talked on the phone almost every day as if we’re in a long distance relationship.

Our personality is very different, it’s almost opposite, but somehow we became very close. Especially when it comes to boyfriend issues, we always support each other. Relationships are never be easy, moreover when you’re dating a person from different countries, it’s way too complicated. Having her by my side, I overcame lots of difficulties in my life :)

When I finished my studies and left the UK in May 2019, I promised her that I will visit her as soon as I can. And now, I finally fulfilled my promise. She is supposed to do a placement this year but due to the COVID situation, she’s unable to find her internship. It’s been a really hard year for her so I wanted to be with her even if it’s a short time.

Hope you had a good day! See you tomorrow!

With love,
