
27th November -Friday-

I had a strange dream again. I was on a double date with my best friend Sarah. She is Malaysian and she has an English boyfriend. And I was with my ex boyfriend who is also English. It was so weird, I have no idea why I was with my ex in my dream... Anyways, I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw my boyfriend’s sweet sleeping face next to me :) I don’t know how to explain this feeling but I’m so blessed to have him in my life.

My holiday will be over after a month and I have to go back to Japan. I have no regrets on taking a risk and coming here during this pandemic if it’s for him. We’ll go back to our Long Distance Relationship so I need to appreciate every single second with him :)

He was making Greek cookies last night but he realised that we don’t have baking paper so we didn’t bake it.

We woke up at 9am and he went to buy a baking paper. After he came back, I made our morning coffee and he started baking.

I always tell him “I love you”. I think it’s important to tell the person how we feel and how much we care about them. But telling those lovely three words for the first time can be awkward and tough.

When was the first time I told him “I love you”? Well, it happened like this... I was thinking like I really wanna tell him how I feel but is it too early to say? Will he say “I love you too”? Should I wait till he says first?... But in the end, it just came out of my mouth without me realising it.
When I saw him trying to type something using Japanese keyboard on his phone, I just said “oh my god, that’s why I love you!” Maybe we don’t need to overthink when is the right time to say or the reaction we get afterwards. If you really love that person, it just comes out of your mouth :) It's simple as it is!

He can’t speak Japanese but I taught him hiragana and he’s trying his best to memorise them now.  I am also trying to learn his language. Now, I can read Greek alphabet but the grammar is way too difficult :( But what’s important is that we try to learn each other in every way we can :)

Hope you had a pleasant day! See you tomorrow!

With love,
