
7th December -Monday-

Wait, is it already Monday? What was I doing on last weekend?... Time flies and I've been very lazy these days... :(

We woke up at 9am and had our morning coffee. We didn't feel like eating any breakfast and didn't feel like doing anything so we decided "Let's go to Birmingham today". We got ready and caught a train around 11am and took 20 mins journey. Birmingham is the city I lived for a year so I know quite well :)

We went around the shopping malls and had chips while we sat at an outside bench. Luckily, it was not too cold today :) I wanted to buy some Christmas chocolates from Hotel Chocolat which is my favorite brand in the UK so we went to the shop. After that, we dropped by the post office to send Christmas cards to my family and his family. To send a small box of chocolate and a card to Japan, it costs £7 and to Greece, it was £5. Relatively expensive, I think :( 

After we sent cards, we bought flat white from my favorite coffee shop and went to a park to have a break. It started getting dark after 3.30pm so we decided to go back home. Before we got on the train, we bought takeaway foods from a Thai restaurant because we were super hungry.

We got home after 4pm and had an early dinner. We played games, watched Peaky Blinders and now, we're getting ready for the bed.

I sent our pictures of us to my mum and she replied me saying “Love lasts for 3 years and respect lasts forever.” Hmm, how can I describe my mum... it might sounds poetic but sometimes sarcastic :/

Tomorrow, his friends will come over to bake some Christmas cookies so we need to get up early!! Ho Ho Ho!

Hope you had a lovely day! See you tomorrow!

With love,

