
I have work on Sundays.

7th March 2021 -Sunday-

I have work on Sundays.

It's been a year since I came home. From where? Well, from a cruise ship where I used to work till last March. A year ago, I was locked up on a Diamond P------ for a month and had an unforgettable experience there.

It is supposed to be "unforgettable" but honestly, I don't remember much about what I went through at that time. Maybe it's because the situation was too intense to be a memory in my head...

After I came back on land last March, I started working at an English school. However, it didn't last long.

There were some reasons why I left that job.

One of them is that I was hoping to go back to the cruise ship by the end of 2020, so I couldn't put my best efforts and passion into my work :(

To put it easy, I couldn't give up on my dream.

But things changed at the end of 2020. I changed the way I think and the way I dream.

I changed my job this year in January and currently I am working at a Hotel in the center of Tokyo :) I was quite lucky to find and get this job when many people are losing jobs in the service industry due to the pandemic.
I really do enjoy my work now.

Hope you had a lovely day and see you soon!!

With love,
