





「え? 発音しないと‟ん”しか言えないよね?」と思うかもしれませんが、発音しないだけで「グ」はあるのです。どういうことかというと、アニメ「サザエさん」の次回予告で、サザエさんがおもちかなにかをのどにつまらせ「ングクク…」みたいな音を出していたんですね。まさにその「ング」というのがこの/ŋ/なのです。時間は2分29秒くらいです。

/ŋ/と の発音を練習してみよう

How to pronounce the ng sound
The ng sound is called the “velar nasal,” which means that you curl your tongue up against the back of our mouth and the air comes out your nose.

The /ŋ/ phoneme is, made through the nose rather than the mouth and it is Voiced, which means you use your vocal cords, but it is defined by the position of your tongue, and is made with the flow of air through the mouth completely blocked.

To produce the /ŋ/ sound, curl the back of your tongue up against the back of your mouth so that it completely blocks your throat then voice out through your nose. The front of your tongue just hangs forward.



How the ng sound is spelled
The ŋ sound is most frequently spelled ‘n-g,’ but sometimes is spelled with just and ’n’ when it is in the middle of a word like:


Thank、hunk、 monk 、 think

Examples of the /ŋ/ Phoneme
Words never begin with the /ŋ/ Phoneme. Here are some words that end with it.

/ŋ/ Phonemeで始まる単語はありません。これで終わる単語をいくつか紹介します。


The most common use of the /ŋ/ phoneme is the ‘i-n-g’ suffix.


Building、feeling、ex: going、running

Words with an /ŋ/ in the middle are uncommon but here are a few.




The holiday is the best time to rest and to chase hobbies. Holiday brings joy and a sense of comfort to everyone. One could use their holidays in many ways. After a busy schedule workaholic wants some time to spend with their family and for their self-rejuvenation. They plan trips with their family and friends. It is scientifically proved that a break in between working life is helpful for reducing work stress.

In school life summer vacation, winter vacation and festive vacation are considered the longest break from their academic session. A single Sunday is also as important as other breaks. It provides a break from their regular studies, parents plan movies and other engaging activities for their kids. A relaxing day is like detoxification of mind and body.

Answers: brings, working, reducing, engaging, relaxing



