

★タイトル title★ 

メタモルフォーゼ〜好きな自分に変わって行ける〜 2019年 
Metamorphosis-You can change to your favorite self-  2019 

 ★コンセプト concept★ 

Eat your favorite cake = By taking in what you like into your body, you can change to yourself who wants to be like you and who you like

 ★ストーリー story★ 

まずは、猫目の印象から。 First of all, from the impression of cat eyes.

猫を描くために猫カフェへ行きました。I went to a cat cafe to draw a cat.
いつもよりも間近で観察することで、普段気にも留めたことのない、目の質感が興味深いことに気づき、より細部まで見てくることができました。By observing closer than usual, I noticed that the texture of the eyes was interesting and I was able to see more details.

Their eyes are transparent and may not really exist, but they seemed to have irregularities, so I would be glad if you could pay attention to the expression there.

The hardness of the hair was smooth and comfortable as expected.

 次は、本題の絵についてです。 Next is about the subject picture.  

The left part is monochrome before I eat the cake, and the right part is after eating, so I made it colorful and assimilated with the cake.

I wanted to create a cute atmosphere as a whole, so I painted a healing light pink on the bottom and painted cakes and sweets on it.

In order to create a light atmosphere, the cakes and sweets in the background have a floating feeling.

In addition, I drew the beard of the cat in a playful way and made it longer.エ

I would be happy if you could convey an energetic, fun and cute atmosphere.

