
Short Writing (7): See you.

This note is all in English.

This is my own one of the results that are written for studying English.

I'm glad if you might be to get some hint for studying by this note.

I have been writing notes until now.
It made me force to learn several languages, but I have got very much learning because it was I wrote such as I spoke the words.

I feel me putting words is the same in both speaking and writing.
If I have written and spoken the words from now on, I'll get so to only learn those words.

The listening, reading, speaking, and writing words can probably say -

    "exchanging words".

I'll have been learning how I exchange words with somebody from now on.

I'm glad that I have gotten to write notes.

Thanks so much sincerely.

I have very been enjoying it now but I'll really have to learn for listening and speaking from now on, so I'll stop writing notes.

What!? I thought so, but I have got an added follower who I seem to have always been helped by.

I'll be down to pace, but I'm going to write notes.

I was not going to write many notes except the first four notes from the beginning, but I have written notes.

So I don't also know whether I get to be slow,
but the series of "Short Writing" will be finished.

I will probably be to write notes in English from now on.

See you some when of mine.

- Short Writing by masa
