
TEDxAnjoWomen2023 Blog vol.04 - Session 1/ セッション1

TEDWomen 2023は、2023年10月11〜13日まで、ジョージア州アトランタを新しいホームとして開催され、世界の民主主義の未来、ロシアとウクライナでの自由の追求、生存者の回復への道などについての感動的で幅広いセッションのトークとパフォーマンスでスタートしました。
TEDWomen 2023 kicked off in its new home of Atlanta, Georgia with a moving and wide-ranging session of talks and performances about the future of global democracy, the pursuit of freedom in Russia and Ukraine, the path to recovery for survivors and more.

from TEDWomen official site/ TEDWomenオフィシャルサイトより 

We all know that when it comes to global gender equity, there's still so much work to be done. It's time to reset, to rethink, to collectively imagine different ways forward. This year we’ll joyfully celebrate those taking bold strides into the future, those working unapologetically to make big dreams become reality. Whether working on new models of equity and inclusion or blazing trails as pioneers, this year's speakers demonstrate luminous new thinking and ideas designed to enchant, uplift and inspire us all.

The week following the resounding success of TEDWomen 2023, on October 21st, TEDxAnjoWomen2023 took place at Anforet, Anjo City. The event featured six live speakers, including two talks from TEDWomen. In this blog, we will introduce the first session of TEDxAnjoWomen2023.

1. Megumi TANGE, Dietitian, Diningphotographer/ 丹下恵実、管理栄養士・食卓写真家

Megumi TANGE/ 丹下恵実 (photo: TEDxAnjo)

What does food mean to you?
How do you confront things you're not good at?
Emi Tange, originally from Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, studied nutrition in college and obtained her registered dietitian qualification. After graduating, she wanted to convey the importance of food and began her career as a "table photographer," capturing her family's cooking and dining scenes. However, she had difficulty speaking in public and was looking for ways to overcome it. She realized the importance of "raising the resolution of her weaknesses". By "raising the resolution of her weaknesses", she understood what she could and couldn't do, which allowed her to move forward.
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, she launched an online school for nutrition students and registered dietitians, growing it into a community with approximately 150 members. She continues her online activities and actively engages in various multidimensional activities related to food in different regions, alongside her school students.
Perhaps you can find hints on how to confront things you're not good at from her talks.

Megumi TANGE/ 丹下恵実 (photo: Tetsuya KAWAGUCHI 写真:河口哲也)

2. Megumi OHYABU,  Founder of the “Kudaranai mono(useless and ridiculous things)” Grand Prix/ 大藪めぐみ、 「くだらないものグランプリ」創設者

Megumi OHYABU/ 大藪めぐみ (photo:TEDxAnjo)

When you were a child, didn't you ever have that feeling of something being so silly that you thought, "This is so useless!"?
The story is about recalling the sense of play from childhood when Mr. Oyabu made his entrance on a fighting tricycle, saying "This is so pointless!" She herself wore a very distressed expression when she took over her parents' factory, and she was deeply shocked when her child pointed it out. From there, she decided to start anew and create something that would excite adults, something so foolish that they could all say, "This is so pointless!" This is how the "Pointless Things Grand Prix" was born. Even though they create "pointless things," the craftsmanship is still evident, and the craftsmen enjoy explaining their work with great enthusiasm. When you talk to the factory's uncles, who proudly share their skills, it's as if you're back in childhood, and the conversation naturally evolves with an "I've got a great idea!" moment. Why not try to discover your own "This is so useless!" (something silly and fun) together with them?

Megumi OHYABU/ 大藪めぐみ (photo: Tetsuya KAWAGUCHI 写真:河口哲也)

3. Karinna GRANT, Digital fashion entrepreneur (video from TEDWomen2023)/ カリンナ・グラント、デジタルファッション起業家(TEDWomen2023LIVE動画より)

Karinna GRANT, Digital fashion entrepreneur/ カリンナ・グラント、デジタルファッション起業家 from TEDWomen2023 official site/ TEDWomen2023 オフィシャルサイトより

TEDxAnjoWomen 3人目のスピーカーは、TEDWomen2023 セッション3:In love and llfe で登壇された、デジタルファッション起業家のカリンナ・グラントをTEDWomenLIVE動画よりお送りしました。
3rd speaker was Karinna GRANT, Digital fashion entrepreneur, video from TEDWomen Session 3: In love and llfe hosted by Maya Penn.

テーマの『in love and life』になぞらえて彼女は言いました。空に星があるように、ロマンチックな愛、家族愛、あなたへの愛を話しています。そしてそれらはどれも似ていて、交差しています。
Activist, filmmaker and entrepreneur Maya Penn hosts Session 3 at TEDWomen 2023 and introduced Karinna.
Welcome to session 3 where the theme is “in love in life”. As there are stars in the sky whether you're talking about romantic love, familial love, for you too, but also similar they are they intersect.
Our first speaker is very passionate about one of the most universal forms of self-expression fashion.
She is the co-founder of the dematerialize which is a Marketplace for digital Couture. She's also educator at institutions like football college of fashion and Parsons in New York. and she's here now to tell us about the ever-expanding future and now a digital fashion and how the lines between digital and real are trying to blurry.

Activist, filmmaker and entrepreneur Maya Penn hosts Session 3 at TEDWomen 2023: Two Steps Forward on October 12, 2023, in Atlanta, GA. (Photo: Jasmina Tomic / TED)

デジタルファッション起業家のカリンナ・グラントは、未来がすでに現れつつあると言います。NFT(Fon Fungible Token)と拡張現実(AR)は、クリエイティブな消費の可能性を拡大させながら、無駄を減少させています。
After the introduction from Penn, Karinna Grant appeared in a denim jumpsuit.
Digital fashion entrepreneur Grant says that future is already emerging: NFTs and augmented reality are expanding possibilities for creative consumption while decreasing waste.
Luxury brands are entering the digital fashion space at surprising prices. While many people often make their first luxury purchase as sunglasses or lipstick, it's highly likely that for the next generation, it will be a virtual item.
As a researcher in digital fashion, she said that I'm thrilled about wearing historical fashion items through digital technology. Digital fashion can be felt even if it's not physical, and new possibilities are emerging.
Furthermore, digital fashion is drawing attention as a solution to environmental problems, offering new ways to reduce overproduction. Along with environmental considerations, digital fashion has the potential to revolutionize the shopping experience for consumers.

Digital fashion entrepreneur Karinna Grant Session 3 of TEDWomen 2023: Two Steps Forward on October 12, 2023, in Atlanta, GA. (Photo: Jasmina Tomic / TED)

4. Yoshimi KOBE, First-Class Architect, First-Class Construction Management Engineer/ 小部慶美、一級建築士・一級建築施工管理技士

Yoshimi KOBE/ 小部慶美 (photo: TEDxAnjo)

大手ハウスメーカーの現場監督、しかも女性で子育てしてる人は皆無の時代に自身が2人目を妊娠してた時に作った妊婦用のマタニティー作業服。 今でも後輩に託して着てもらっているそう。
What would your reaction be if you saw a female site supervisor at a construction site?
In an era where there were virtually no site supervisors from major housing manufacturers who were women, let alone mothers, she designed maternity workwear for herself during her second pregnancy. Even now, she entrusts it to her juniors to wear.
Wanting to change the male-dominated society, she started with greetings and cleaning toilets. After a while, the male craftsmen on site began to treat her well regardless of gender. She formed a women's group to share the challenges of working in a male-dominated environment and to encourage each other. Feedback from these meetings was also implemented at the construction site.
The deep-rooted societal belief that women have limited career options; that resigning upon marriage is the norm, and that attaining a leadership position is still a distant dream. However, she believes that women can create new value. She was the first to take maternity leave and, contrary to the assumption that she would be reassigned to an office role upon returning, she resumed her role as a site supervisor.
After checking with the Labor Standards Inspection Office, she received confirmation that a pregnant woman supervising a construction site from scaffolding is not illegal. As she overcame each challenge, people began to support her ambitions.
Venturing into uncharted territory requires strength, and she makes choices thinking of her juniors. These choices will set precedents, and the world will evolve in a positive direction. Through her talks, she was reminded of the importance of gratitude towards those around her.
She is now gearing up for a new challenge. What new world will she show us next?"

Yoshimi KOBE/ 小部慶美 (photo: Tetsuya KAWAGUCHI 写真:河口哲也)

5. Other TEDxAnjoWomen2023 blog/ これまでのTEDxAnjoWomen2023ブログ
