


その「第4夜:『異性愛』と『化学物質』<心理学的アプローチ>」の名誉教授は、次のように語る(PP. 113-114)。

名誉教授 ……アフリカ北西部のモーリタニアでは、今でも太った女性ほど美しいとされていてね。この国は、全土がサハラ砂漠に覆われて農耕に適さず、国民の大半が遊牧民なんだが、伝統的に太った女性こそが豊穣の美として崇められてきた。
マスター 一日に二十リットル! まさに拷問じゃないですか!
名誉教授 飲めずに吐き出すと、それをもう一度飲ませるというんだから、たしかに拷問だね。内臓破裂で亡くなった少女も報告されているが、それでも痩せた女性は貧困の象徴とみなされて結婚できないから、その俗習は今も続いている。
アイ 「フォアグラ」ですって?
名誉教授 「フォアグラ」の作り方はね、まず夏の間ガチョウを十分運動させて基礎体力を付けさせて、秋になると狭い場所に閉じ込めて運動できないようにする。そして、柔らかくなるまで蒸したトウモロコシを、チューブで強制的に胃に詰め込む「ガバージュ」を一日に三回繰り返し、これを一ヶ月続ける。
マスター その「ガバージュ」を、人間の女性に繰り返すなんて……。
名誉教授 それでもモーリタニアの男性は、肥満女性にしか魅力を感じないというんだから、いかに刷り込みが嗜好性に大きな影響を与えるか、よくわかるだろう。


国際人権団体アムネスティ・インターナショナルが作成した動画がYouTubeに提供されているので、紹介しよう。[Amnesty International Presentation about human rights, Group project: Lisa, Kayzang, Aro.]





この動画を提供している「The Things」は、あくまで「Western beauty standards」を原則として、異文化の「女性美」を「奇妙」だと判断している点に注意が必要だろう。この動画には、次のような解説が付記されている。

Though Western beauty standards may be taking the world by storm, they still aren’t the norm everywhere. There are some cultures that take their beauty standards seriously, and sometimes it can seem a bit brutal! From scarification rituals, to putting 20 cm plates in their lips, these are 10 Unusual Women Beauty Standards Around The World!
When it comes to beauty standards around the world, most cultures agree that noses are important. But, none of them take it as far as women in Iran, which has now become the nose job capital of the world. Iranian women are born with what they believe are unflattering noses, so when women are old enough they get them fixed. To them wearing their surgical bandages from their nose jobs are like wearing a badge of honour. Women will even fake getting nose jobs and wear fake surgical bandages, all for the sake of being desired.
The ancient ritual of scarification in Ethiopia’s Karo tribe seems a bit brutal, but is still practiced today. It is a long painful process that includes women cutting patterns into their faces and chests with sharp objects like glass or knives. Once the wounds are open, the women rub charcoal or gunpowder into the openings, so that the wounds will form keloids once they heal. Over a period of time, women can add more and more scars to themselves. They think of the scars as artwork, and admit that the only reason they still perform scarification is to attract men.
The Himba people of northern Namibia slather themselves head to toe in a thick clay called “Otjize.” The “Otjize” is made from ochre, fat, and aromatic resin. When applied to the hair and body, it turns everything into an orange-ish red, which is supposed to symbolize blood. To the Himba people, blood is the essence of life. While this is a beauty standard, it actually serves a second purpose. The “Otjize” also helps protect their skin from the sun and heat!
When a girl is becoming a woman in this Southern Ethiopian tribe, they will start the lip stretching or lip plating process. For the women of this tribe it is a very exciting time as it shows she is becoming a woman. Over a period of time she and her family will keep stretching her lip until it is about 8–20 cm in diameter. At that point, the woman will put a plate in her lip, which she takes great pride in decorating. The process is also important, as it is part of wedding rituals in their culture.
Most of the time, when people have crooked teeth in Western cultures, they pay thousands of dollars to get them fixed. The exact opposite is true in Japan, where women pay to have their teeth crooked. This beauty standard is known as “Yaeba” which translates into “double tooth” in Japanese. The trend started with Japanese pop stars, but women with crooked teeth have been thought to be alluring in Japan for a while. The whole trend defies normal beauty standards, and celebrates the beauty in having flaws.
From the time they are 4-years-old the women of the Kayan tribe in Northern Thailand start putting brass coils around their neck. As the woman ages, she gets more and more coils. Eventually the coils elongate their neck, which is considered beautiful in their culture. Though it seems like they are growing long necks, it’s actually the weight of the coils pushing their shoulders down that gives the illusion of the desirable long necks.

さて、読者は、アイドルの「八重歯」を見て「小悪魔のようでかわいい」と思われるだろうか? あるいは「ドラキュラのようだ」と敬遠されるだろうか? ヨーロッパやアメリカで「八重歯」はどのように認識されているのか、それに対して日本人は、どのように考えればよいのだろうか?

#エッセイ #コラム #読書 #推薦図書 #思考力 #高橋昌一郎 #愛の論理学 #角川新書 #角川書店 #哲学 #ディベート #モーリタニア #ガバージュ #強制食 #美意識 #文化


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