
冷蔵庫に常備する豚ばら肉の塩漬け Salted pork belly to keep in the fridge

Lesson in chemistry


In a previous article, I looked into bacon in detail and showed a recipe for making it.
However, although it's not complicated, it does take some time and effort, so I don't keep it on hand all the time. What I'm introducing here is "salted pork belly," which can be used on an everyday basis like bacon and is easy on the budget. This can be prepared in less than five minutes.

Recipe trivia


In the days before refrigerators, drying and salting were very effective food preservation techniques. Since drying large chunks of meat is particularly difficult, wild and domestic meat has been salted since ancient times. Traces of salting have been found as far back as 6000 BC in ancient Egypt. Both drying and salting are done to prevent chemical changes such as spoilage and deterioration of food. Most chemical reactions occur through water molecules, so reducing the amount of water slows down the chemical reactions. For this reason, methods such as drying to evaporate the water or squeezing out the water with the osmotic pressure of salt are used. Sea salt also contains traces of nitrates (saltpeter), which help maintain the pink color of meat and inhibit the growth of botulinum bacteria. In addition, a positive side effect of salting is that it helps to create a flavor that does not exist in the original meat due to aging.
Processed meat products include ham, bacon, and sausages, but the starting point for all of these is salting meat. It began as a method of preserving meat, and even now in the age of widespread refrigerators, salting is still widely used as a basic food processing technique.

前置きはさておき、スーチカ以外に豚の塩蔵肉で日本人にもお馴染みなのは、イタリアの「パンチェッタ(Pancetta)」だろう。パンチェッタもスーチカと本質的に同じもので、豚食文化圏のヨーロッパの伝統技法だ。「プティサル(Petit sale)」、「シュヴァインバオホ(Schweinbauch)」や「パンツェータ(Panceta)」も同じ意味だ。どの単語も豚ばら肉か塩漬けを意味する。単に生の部位を指す場合もあるが、塩漬け肉に対しても使われる。

Looking around the world, any country with a meat-eating culture has meat preservation techniques. Perhaps the most familiar to Japanese people is "Suchika" from Okinawa, which has a tradition of meat-eating culture. It is a salted pork belly. It is a meat preservation technique that is thought to have been transmitted from China or Southeast Asia. Okinawa (Ryukyu) has a unique culture that was created under a unified dynasty, with a mixture of Chinese, Japanese, and Malay cultures. It is a wonderful culture. The Japanese government claims to be a monoethnic nation, but objectively, Japan is a multiethnic nation. Even though Okinawa is administratively part of Japan, the culture and language are too far apart to be dismissed as regional differences or dialects. The term Okinawa dialect is highly political. It is more outrageous than lumping Spain and Italy together. However, since I am a citizen of a country with a direct interest, I don't think I can be purely objective, and I want to enjoy cultural diversity, so I will not go any further on this topic. However, what is important is that although it is true that the mixing of ethnic groups can lead to the tragedy of conflict, I think that by overcoming this, the fusion of the cultures of each group can occur, and from there, a new and flexible fusion culture will be born by the younger generation. There is hope in that. Food culture is a prime example of this. People cannot understand each other's words, and begin to distort their relationships due to fear and distrust, but with one bite of the food that is served, you can understand the feelings that were put into the dish. That is one of the reasons why I work in the culinary world.
Apart from suchica, another salted pork meat that is familiar to Japanese people is probably the Italian "Pancetta". Pancetta is essentially the same as suchica, and is a traditional technique in Europe, where pork is eaten. "Petit sale", "Schweinbauch" and "Panceta" all have the same meaning. All of these words mean pork belly or salted. They can simply refer to raw parts of the pork, but are also used to refer to salted meat.
The recipe is simple, just rub salt into the meat. However, here we add a modern practicality to the method. We have created a recipe that is easy to use, especially as an ingredient to keep at home.



Pork belly meat
Natural salt



Thoroughly wipe off any moisture such as blood from the pork belly with kitchen paper.
Wash your hands thoroughly and lightly rub the meat with sea salt (the salt concentration should be about 2% by weight).
After rubbing the salt into the meat, place it in a hygienic container or a Ziploc bag and leave it overnight in a cool, dark place in winter, or in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator (around 7 degrees Celsius).
If any moisture has seeped out of the meat, wipe it off.
On the second day, keep it in the refrigerator at around 0 degrees Celsius, and wipe off the moisture from time to time to allow it to mature.
It is best to eat after about a week to a month. It can be heated and used like bacon.

Tips and tricks:    


In the traditional method of salting pork, the salt concentration is usually about 10%. A high salt concentration can quickly reduce the moisture in the meat. This method removes the moisture and reduces the weight of the meat by about 15%. If the moisture content is reduced to that extent, the meat will not spoil even if the temperature is relatively high. However, if the salt concentration is high, it is too salty, so it is usually not usable unless it is desalted. In that case, even if it is kept at home, it cannot be used immediately. Fortunately, we have a refrigerator, so we can reduce the salt concentration even more. Since a refrigerator is a machine that artificially creates a cold climate, it can also create a snowy climate in the summer where meat can be safely stored. Use the refrigerator strategically, not passively.
In my experiments, I have determined that a salt concentration of about 2% is the salt content that can be aged for a long time in the chilled compartment of the refrigerator without spoilage and can be eaten without desalting, and I have created this recipe. In fact, I have consistently succeeded in storing meat for nearly two months without spoilage using this method. However, this is only the result of my experiments. The conditions are not necessarily the same, such as the characteristics of the refrigerator and the differences in the bacteria that normally adhere to hands, so if you are interested, I recommend that you do a follow-up experiment and find your own conclusion.
I use sea salt as natural salt, and although it is not listed on the label, it seems that it contains trace amounts of nitrates, and the meat remains pink even after two months.
In the traditional Western method, it is aged for more than a year, and at that point, no bacteria that cause food poisoning are found, so some products can be eaten raw without heating. In fact, the mechanism of aging has not been fully elucidated, and there are cases where traditional businesses were unable to provide scientific evidence and were forced to go out of business after being pointed out by government health authorities who like to control things. It seems that similar disputes with health authorities are occurring in the pickle industry in Japan. The world of aging and fermentation is deep.
I have also tried eating it raw, but please do so at your own risk. If you are selling it to people, I think you should use a low-temperature cooker to heat it at the lowest possible temperature.


This salting process not only extends the shelf life of the meat, but also improves its taste. The detailed mechanism is not clear, but it may be that the moisture is removed and the taste becomes stronger, or that the protein is broken down naturally or by salt-tolerant microorganisms, increasing the amount of amino acids. Nevertheless, salted meat is much tastier and does not feel greasy.


This salted pork belly can be used in many dishes. It can be used in the same way as bacon, grilled or stewed, and can be used as an ingredient in many dishes. It is quite economical to buy it in bulk and prepare it in bulk. I recommend starting with a small amount and aging it for a short period of time, and then once you get the hang of it, try aging it for a long time in a larger amount.
My personal favorite way to eat it is to slice it thickly, skewer it, grill it unseasoned, and eat it as is. It's a great treat for the upcoming barbecue season. I also love the samgyeopsal style wrapped in perilla leaves.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
