
初秋に楽しむウルメイワシの酢漬け Pickled round herring to enjoy in early autumn

Preserved Food Laboratory

Recipe trivia

最近は温暖化の影響か、季節の変わり目が分かり難い。それでも今頃になると、二十四節気の「処暑 (しょしょ)」にある通り、猛暑が収まって、秋が始まっているのが分かる。ベランダに植えてある野葡萄もすっかり熟している。秋刀魚も出回り始めたが、まだまだ脂の乗りが悪い割には高過ぎる。この時期は鰯も美味しくなるので、むしろそっちに目が行く。初秋には、鰯の中では、僕にはウルメイワシが一番上等に思える。ウルメイワシは鰯三種(他の二種はマイワシとカタクチイワシ)の中では、あまり流通していない種だ。だから、この時期に見つけると、嬉しくなる。流通量の多く人気のあるのはマイワシだけど、美味しくなるのは、もっと寒くなって脂がちゃんと乗り始めてからの話。それに、旨みはずっとウルメイワシの方が強い。干物や酢漬けにするなら、断然こっちの方が美味しい。鮮度落ちが早いこともあって、マイワシよりも安値で出回るので、僕は多めに買って、長期保存もできる酢漬けにする。

Perhaps due to the effects of global warming, it is difficult to tell when the seasons are changing. However, around this time, as the 24 solar terms indicate, the heatwave is subsiding and autumn is beginning. The wild grapes planted on the balcony are completely ripe. Pacific saury is also starting to appear, but it is still too expensive for the amount of fat it has. At this time of year, sardines are also delicious, so I tend to look at them. In early autumn, among all the sardines, round herrings seem to me to be the best quality. Of the three types of sardines (the other two are Japanese pilchards and anchovies), round herrings are not widely available. So when I find them at this time of year, I'm happy. Sardines are more widely available and more popular, but they only become tastier when it gets colder and they start to gain more fat. Also, round herrings have a much stronger flavor. If you want to dry or pickle them, they are by far the best. They go out of freshness quickly, so they are cheaper than sardines, and I buy more of them and make pickles that can be stored for a long time.

「ウルメイワシ」は、「イワシ」という名前がついているけど、分類学上は鰊にも近い。英語では「round herring」と呼ばれ、「ニシン」の一種と認識されている。実際、一昔前は「ニシン科」に分類されていた。マイワシよりも大型で、脂が少なく旨みが強い点では、鰊にも近い。だからヨーロッパでは鰊と並んで酢漬にされている。日本では、その旨みを生かして、大部分が干物に加工される。形が大きくしっかりした「目指し(稾紐で吊って乾燥させた鰯)」には大抵このウルメイワシが使われている。刺身や寿司、塩焼きで食べる場合も、マイワシのような脂乗りを期待するのでなければ、味そのものはウルメイワシに軍配が上がる。

Although "Urumeiwashi(round herring)" has the name "sardine," it is taxonomically closer to herring. In English, it is called "round herring" and is recognized as a type of "herring." In fact, it was once classified as part of the Clupeidae family. It is larger than sardines, and is closer to herring in that it has less fat and a stronger flavor. That's why in Europe, it is as well suited to pickling as herring. In Japan, most of it is dried, taking advantage of its flavor. Round herring is usually used for "mezashi" (sardines hung on straw and dried), which are large and sturdy. Whether you eat it as sashimi, sushi, or salt-grilled, round herring wins in terms of flavor unless you are looking for a fatty sardine.


I've mentioned herring in a previous article, but North Sea herring and Southern Ocean sardines are the most widely consumed fish of the common people in the world. They have been used not only in the East but also in Western Europe since ancient Greece and Rome. They are very important as food, but they have also been consumed in large quantities as fertilizer and feed. They are also called sea grass. The flourishing of Edo culture in Japan was actually largely related to the introduction of fertilizers derived from sardines and herring. This is because these fertilizers supported the dramatic growth of agricultural production during the Edo period. Recently, aquaculture has become more common around the world, and sardines are also important as feed. Their importance as a resource is only increasing.
In fact, their ecology has not yet been fully elucidated, but sardines' resource numbers periodically fluctuate greatly, to an extent that cannot be explained by overfishing. Each time this happens, it has a major impact on the economy. Just like plant resources on land, sardines, which belong to a low position in the food chain, are important as marine resources in the sea. Resource-efficient plant-based diets are often discussed as an issue in sustainable food. Incorporating sardines, which are sea grass, into your diet is also resource-efficient and sustainable.
However, the problem with sardines is that they lose their freshness quickly, so pickling them at home is a good way to use them. If they are properly sterilized, they can be stored at room temperature for even more sustainability. Here, they are made into Nordic-style pickles so that they can be enjoyed with bread and wine.



Round herring
Pickled cucumbers (you can find an easy recipe in a previous post)
Salted capers (or pickled)
Dill (fresh or dried)
Wine vinegar
Olive oil
Sea salt



Cut off the head of the herring, cut into the belly with a knife to remove the innards, and wash thoroughly.
Remove the dorsal fin, cut into two fillets, and remove the backbone. Scrape off the belly bone with a knife.
Sprinkle with plenty of sea salt and leave to marinate for around 30 minutes.
Rinse off the salt under running water.
Put wine vinegar in a storage container and marinate the sardine fillets.
Add finely chopped pickled cucumber, capers that have had the salt rinsed off, and dill.
Add olive oil to taste.
Leave to marinate for at least an hour.
It can be stored in the refrigerator for around a month without sterilization.

Tips  and tricks:    


When selecting herring, choose ones with red gills and a firm, elastic belly.
Small bones will remain, but they will soften in the vinegar so they are not noticeable, so there is no need to remove them. Similarly, there is no need to remove the skin.
The black membrane around the innards can cause an unpleasant odor, so be sure to scrape it off.
The backbone can be used to make soup stock if grilled, so don't throw it away, but keep it.
You can also use Japanese sardines instead of round herrings.
The reason they are pickled in salt is to absorb the moisture. If you don't like it too salty, you can use sugar. However, if you are storing them for a long time, salt will give them a better shelf life.
You can use other pickles such as olives instead of the pickled cucumbers, or you can omit pickles altogether.
In addition to dill, you can also use fennel or tarragon as herbs. Here, we use dill that has been pickled with the pickled cucumbers.
Here, olive oil is added so that it can be eaten as is, but of course it is fine to just pickled it in vinegar.
If you wash it with vinegar instead of running water, sterilize the bottle by boiling it, and then degas it, it can be stored at room temperature for a long time.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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