
調理時間10分の本格胡瓜ピクルス作り How to make authentic cucumber pickles in just 10 minutes

Preserved Food Laboratory

Recipe trivia


Humans have been able to survive in harsh natural environments thanks to the use of fire and food preservation technology. There is a set time when food is available. For animals and fish, it is when they encounter them migrating, and for plants, it is the harvest season. If you eat all of your food when you get it, you may end up suffering from hunger for many days. This is because the amount of nutrients that the human body can retain is limited. In the days before refrigerators, preservation technology was a lifeline. Japanese people today who happen to live in areas with a stable supply of electricity tend to forget this, but in poor areas and conflict zones, there is still no proper supply of electricity. Food storage technology determines life and death.


Our ancestors created a wide variety of food preservation techniques, but they can be broadly divided into three categories: drying, pickling, and fermentation. Decay is a type of chemical reaction, so if there is no moisture, chemical reactions are extremely difficult to occur. All we have to do is dry the food. Fortunately, the sun shines on the earth, and there is also wind to carry away the evaporated moisture. Fermentation is a technique that makes use of the power of microorganisms. Both decay and fermentation refer to the process by which food is transformed by microorganisms. The difference is whether they are harmful to us, the human species. If we can intentionally create an environment in which harmless microorganisms multiply and overwhelm harmful microorganisms, food will be preserved even as it changes. If the change proceeds in a positive direction, it can turn poisonous and inedible foods into edible foods, or create new flavors that satisfy human tastes. It brings more benefits than just preservation. And the last technique is pickling. In an environment with high concentrations of salt and sugar, it is difficult for microorganisms to multiply. "Salting" and "sugar pickling" utilize this principle. Lactic acid bacteria grow even in such environments, so techniques that combine salting and fermentation have also been developed. Examples include Japan's rice bran pickles and Europe's sauerkraut. Another pickling technique is "vinegar pickling." In environments with high concentrations of lactic acid and acetic acid, the growth of microorganisms is also suppressed. What we call pickles in Japan is a preservation method that uses this last technique. If ingredients are pickled in vinegar, sterilized, and sealed, they can be stored at room temperature for over a year.


My partner received some dill from a female acquaintance who had harvested it in her home garden, but it was too hard to make a salad, so I mixed it with cucumbers that were just starting to become available and pickled it in vinegar, and I'd like to introduce the recipe. Pickled cucumbers are the most beloved pickles in the world. If you keep them on hand, you can use them in a variety of dishes.
When you look at recipes that are labeled as authentic pickles, the pickling liquid is often made in advance. As a food technologist, I think that if the result is the same, it's better to have a simple and short process, so I ignore this kind of ritual and use my own method. There may be differences depending on the ingredients, but as long as you use hard ingredients such as turnips, carrots, radishes, and this cucumber, the end product will not be different. Therefore, even if the process is shortened, I will call it "authentic" instead of "instant". The shelf life is the same or even longer. If there are people who do the same method, I think it's okay to be timid and remove the modifiers such as "instant" and "fake". In fact, there are factories that make it using a process similar to mine, and I myself provide this recipe to restaurants and factories.



Fresh dill leaves and flowers*
Wine vinegar (rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar will also work)
Whole allspice*
Mustard seeds*
Whole cloves*
Whole cinnamon*
Laurel leaves*
Chili pepper*
Sea salt
*You can use any combination of spices to your liking, but you should at the very least add chili pepper and dill, either dried or fresh.



Wash the cucumbers and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Wash the dill thoroughly.
Prepare an acid-resistant pot and pour in water and vinegar in a ratio of about 7:3. In particular, aluminum pots, a favorite of chefs, should be avoided at all costs because harmful aluminum ions easily dissolve in acidic solutions.
Add the dill and all the spices, season with sea salt while imagining the final taste, and heat over high heat. The cucumbers will release water, so it's best to add just enough salt to make it slightly salty.
Once the liquid comes to a boil, add the cucumbers.
Once it boils again, turn off the heat, cover, and leave to cool. You can eat it immediately once it has cooled, but it tastes even better if you chill it in the refrigerator.
It can be stored in the refrigerator for around a month.

Tips and tricks:    


Many people seem to misunderstand this, but vinegar does not have a sterilizing effect. Even if you wash something with bacteria in vinegar or soak it in vinegar, it will not sterilize it. Vinegar has a function called "bacteriostasis" that prevents the growth of bacteria. Therefore, the ingredients must be sterilized before being soaked in pickling liquid. The easiest way is boiling sterilization. In the process of making pickles, making the pickling liquid, cooling it, and then soaking the ingredients will not sterilize them. That's why in pickle factories, vegetables are often boiled and then soaked in pickling liquid. The idea of ​​this recipe is to combine these processes and put them away. If the pickling liquid is cooled once, there is a high possibility that bacteria will get mixed in during the process. If strict hygiene measures are taken like in a factory, it is easy to prevent contamination, but at home, you want to be more casual. The advantage of combining the two processes into one is not only that it saves time, but also that it prevents the introduction of bacteria.
This method can be used to store the ingredients in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator for about a month, but if you want to store them at room temperature for longer, you can also combine the bottling and sterilization process. At the end of the recipe, before cooling, fill boiled sterilized storage jars with the contents of the pot, loosen the lids, steam the jars, turn off the heat, wait about 5 minutes, then tightly close the lids with gloves and store them. This sterilizes and degasses the food at the same time, allowing for even longer storage. Here, a mixture of water and vinegar is used, but if you increase the proportion of vinegar, it will be possible to store the food for nearly a year.


The reason for mixing water with vinegar is simply to make it taste mellow and to reduce costs. In fact, the human tongue cannot detect the sourness of vinegar alone. However, when vinegar is mixed with salt, it feels the sourness that is tasted in vinegar dishes. Experiments can clearly show that sourness is a compound taste of vinegar and salt. In the experiment, first prepare a mixture of vinegar and water (you can try various ratios). Drink it as is. Then, gradually add salt to it, tasting each time you increase the salt. You should notice that the sourness becomes more pronounced as you add salt. Of course, if you add too much, the saltiness will dominate and it will be too salty. So, if you think the sourness is not enough, try adding salt first instead of adding vinegar. You should be able to feel enough sourness even with 20 to 30 percent vinegar compared to the water. Saltiness is not only good for taste, but also helps extend the shelf life. This is because bacteria do not grow easily when there is a certain amount of salt concentration. With this in mind, I think it's best to decide the balance of vinegar, water, and salt to your liking.
You can also change the spices to your liking. However, cucumber and dill are a golden combination, so if you want to call it authentic, you can't leave out chili pepper and dill at the very least.
In my opinion, sugar is not essential for cucumber pickles, so I haven't added it here, but you can add sugar as in many recipes.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
