
浮世絵Ukiyo-e/原画はどこに?Where are the very original paintings?

1. Ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock prints)

Ukiyo-e, the woodblock prints that flourished in the 18th to 19th century Japan, had strong influence on Europian artists.  Now, many of the Ukiyo-e masterpieces are exhibitted in major museums all over the world.

Because these masterpieces are displayed with the names of the painters, such as Utamaro, Hiroshige, Hokusai and Sharaku, I thought, for a long time, there must be the original paint drawn by those painters somewhere in the world.  When I found there were no such originals at all, I was astonished.


Before I talk about the reason for the absence of the original paintings, I'd like to refer to the influence of Ukiyo-e on major European painters.

2. Influence of Ukiyo-e on European Artists

Claud Monet, one of the most celebrated painter of the impressionists, was strongly influenced by two major Ukiyo-e painters, Hokusai and Hiroshige. 

北斎のモネへの影響/Hokusai's Influence on Monet

左:北斎、右:モネ/Left: Hokusai, Right: Monet

広重のモネへの影響/Hiroshige's Influence on Monet

左:広重、右:モネ/Left: Hiroshige, Right: Monet

広重のセザンヌへの影響/Hiroshige's influence on Cezanne

Paul Cezanne lived in the same era as Monet and was once involved in impressionism. He was also influenced by Hiroshige.

左:セザンヌ、右:広重/Left: Cezanne, Right: Hiroshige

All the above 7 images were excerpted from this site:


Vincent van Gogh is an painter who represents Post-impressionism. He was also influenced by Hirosige. He even replicated, by oil painting, Hiroshige's works.

左:広重:右ゴッホによる模写/Left: Hiroshige  Right: A replicate by Gogh

The above 2 images were excerpted from this site:

3. Absence of The Very Originals

Now, I talk about why there are no such things as the very original paintings drawn by those masters like Hokusai and Hiroshige. There were "quasi original" paintings,  but they disappeared in the process of crafting woodblock prints. I say "quasi," because those paintings were in black-and-white.

Please access the following URL via your PC or smartphone.

You'll find the site titled 「浮世絵の作り方|NHK for School」, then watch the videos uploaded there. I'm sorry it is impossible to access the videos directly from this page. The image of the URL follows.

The videos show crafting process of woodblock prints and tell us how the "quasi original" paintings dissapeared.

The process of woodblock printing consisted of 3 stages. The first was drawing the exact image of the aimed final prints on paper. The second was making woodblocks for the final prints by carving the image on wood. The third was woodblock printing.

An Ukiyo-e painter like Hokusai and Hiroshige, drew the exact profile line of the aimed final product, i.e. the wood print, on Japanese paper by using Japanese black ink.
At this stage, the painter had a coloring plan for the final print. But he did not show the plan on the drawing, because the coloring was done in close collaboration with a craftsman specialized in woodblock printing. Therefore, this very first drawing was in black-and-white.

There were craftsmen specialized in carving the original profile lines on wood. They were called Hori-shi, meaning carvers. A carver pasted the drawing made by the painter on wood using grue. Then, he carved the profile lines on the wood. In this process, the original drawing disappeared. The carver made one block for each color applied to the final print. 

The wood blocks made by carvers were handed to the craftsmen specialized in woodblock printing. These craftsmen were called Suri-shi. A woodblock printer was told by the painter the coloring plan for the final print. According to the plan, the woodblock printer applied one woodblock after another to the same Japanese paper to make the final product.

With this process in mind, we may think there must be the original woodbloks used for the Ukiyo-e masterpieces. But there aren't any as long as I know. The material wood used for the woodblock was so expensive that the woodblock was reused for a new print. 

Due to the above-explained circumstances, there are no such things as the very original drawings of the Ukiyo-e masterpieces.
