


因みに、広島でoasisのライブは観に行きました(Go Let It Outの時代)(これは完全な、ビートルズの遺伝子を持っている:本人たちのインタビューからも)。(大学時代は山口市民センター?でサザンや長渕も)



Has music disappeared from the city? ! (My music journey)

With the recent rapid increase in streaming distribution and the evolution of SNS such as YouTube (digital communication), I have come to feel that ``popular songs'' have disappeared. Even when I listen to the radio (while commuting), I don't find many new discoveries, and I don't hear songs that make me want to buy them. (I feel like there aren't any especially this year) However, about three years ago I bought CDs of Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry, and Celeste (Hear My Voice) because I thought they were ``new'' and ``good songs,'' so I'm sensitive to them. I don't think it's inferior. Nowadays, this can be said about the world of entertainment in general, but we have become a society in which it is difficult to create a situation where even if something is trending, it is only popular in a certain area and is known to the general public. (Although TV media is often said to be obsolete, there are still many cases where what is popular there becomes known to the general public...The drama "VIVANT" and Shohei Otani are examples of this.)

The first record I bought when I was in middle school was "Please Mr. Postman" by the Carpenters. From there, I fell into the swamp known as the Beatles. Around that time, I heard QEEN's "Killer Queen" on the radio. Tokimeita's is Olivia Newton-John's ``The Temptation of the Breeze''. (The melodious parts resonated with middle school students.) Then, Western music continued from John Denver of ``Country Road'' to the Steve Miller Band and Peter Frampton. (I didn't go to idols like Momoe Yamaguchi or Pink Lady.) By the way, I went to see Oasis live in Hiroshima (back in the Go Let It Out era). : Also from interviews with the people themselves). (When I was in college, I was at the Yamaguchi Civic Center? Southern and Nagabuchi were also there.) Southern, who had the DNA of the Beatles, Mr. Chill, and Tamio Okuda joined in as well, and there were also female artists. (I can feel the Beatles genes in the sound creation of Chisato Moritaka's Watarase Bridge and Aiko's Kabutomushi. Maybe it's the producer or arranger. If you focus on the sound, you'll notice it.) Of course, I also listen to the recent Fujii style. I have a delicate feeling that I won't go to Yonezu. (It's close to food, and your tastes are very involved.)

By the way, my graduation thesis in college (in an aesthetics and art seminar) was about rock and artistry as seen in John Lennon's ``The Soul of John.''

It was a time with a different taste from previous notes. Not bad.

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