
DEPARTURE!! Don't Miss This Flight!

In this August, one craft beer project was launched at Mitaka(三鷹), Tokyo, which was named as "STYLE BREW WORKS."
"Craft beer is our very lifestyle itself," "Wats your style?" The two lads talking and questioning us so are Kosuke Uematsu & Kenjiro Tanaka, who have founded this beer label "STYLE BREW WORKS".


Their first craft beer gives a hoppy yerk into the Japanese craft beer scene now.


"DEPARTURE." The beer's name expresses their 'departure'. Have you already experienced this take-off pint?
As Uematsu & Tanaka talking, this IPA (Indian Pale Ale) pint 'flies' so lightly that you don't feel its ABV (alcohol by value) as 6.5%. As they want to let us taste, this one pint is precisely tropical and, at the same time, have a thick characteristics of IPA. DEPARTURE is established as a pint with a passionate and entertaining presence, through which we can enjoy the very IPA taste with the first sip of ours, and then which takes us a sunshiny and jolly flight to tropical vacation through our throats. With the second mouthful and the third one, the more you have mouthfuls, the more elevated your mood will be. Now, the season is autumn, as long as you have a sip on the glass of DEPARTURE, we can always dream the summer of tropical world. STYLE has just now taken off such an IPA.


DEPARTURE, the first work of STYLE as one new brewery label, is the first fresh one but never a toddler craft beer. This is because, to be not surprising, the craftsman who made this recipe and brews this beer is Kenjiro Tanaka, the professional craftsman brewing all of the beer which is labelled as the craft beer, "Mitaka Beer" & "Kichijojib Beer" at this moment only on his own at OGA BREWING. Tanaka is now the very pioneer and top-liner among the craftsmen on the Musashino Plateau. He brews this DEPARTURE by himself.


Tanaka with his massive and lusty body, jumping airily and dancing around in the brewery of OGA not always large enough for him, brews beer. His beautiful finesse of brewing never gets stuck as if the movement of a sculptor's chisel which moves according to the image in mind and the inspiration coming up to. A brewer is an artist. You must make sure such an impression, seeing Tanaka's move.

So, it's no doubt that DEPARTURE, which Tanaka brews, is the beer as the STYLE's first one but also shows a potent presence and guarantees us its good taste.


Tanaka, with giggling, told that even he himself doesn't know where DEPARTURE flies to on earth. However, this is not words with any negative nuances. DEPARTURE & STYLE are never such shaky aircrafts that are lamely flying low nor that crash-land. In contrast, they are the craft beer label and the future of the Japanese craft beer scene with a premonition which fly through the aerosphere or the world of behind the magical mirror when we go noticed. Their future outlook is unknown with such positive nuances that we can't wait for what coming in the next. When you put the mouth on the glass of DEPARTURE, you must think so for sure. Let all of us get on this flight and, let's fly to the next demention of the craft beer scene! This aircraft will never disappoint you.


The soonest event of STYLE & DEPARTURE will be the joint pop-up with No Sign Clothing, which comes from Toronto, Canada, at Coaster Tokyo, Shimokitazawa (下北沢) on 22 September 2019. This event will be a special session of craft beer, music and fashion. Have pints of DEPARTURE right there! And besides, on next October, STYLE will launch its second craft beer with a new recipe. We must have a look, no, have a pint of it!

"Wats your style?"

Well, then, let's have an adventure for your style together with STYLE!!



Instagram @stylebrewworks
Facebook @stylebrewworks

(Translated by Hiroki Matsukura, 18 Sept. 2019, original: 松倉弘城、2019年9月14日)





