
Welcome to Columbia Law School -コロンビア大学ロースクールへ!-

Introduction of Columbia Law School, with many pics!

(前回のSIPAの紹介はコチラ↓ SIPA's introduction below)



I visited JG (Law School building) almost everyday, more frequently than SIPA because I took CPRL this semester. I'm going to introduce with many pics!

1. Columbia Law Schoolとは?

Columbia LawはUS Newsのロースクールランキング5位に入り、卒業生もセオドア・ルーズベルトやフランクリン・ルーズベルト、現学長のリー・ボリンジャー等著名人たちが並びます。学生数は1学年400名程度で、NYUと同じくらいの規模感です。

Columbia Law is ranked fifth according to US News, and there are widely recognized alumni from Theodore Roosevelt, to Franklin Roosevelt to Lee Bollinger (current CU President). Each class comprise roughly 400 students, so similar size to NYU.

ロースクールへの入口は地上階(1F)と3Fの2つあるのですが、こちらは3Fから。これはBellerophon Taming Pegasusというギリシャの英雄の銅像なのですが、ニューヨークで最も大きい野外の銅像の1つだそうです…!

There are two entrances, one at the ground floor and the other at 3rd floor (this pic below). This statue is Bellerophon Taming Pegasus on a Greek hero and one of the largest outdoor statues in NYC.

Bellerophon Taming Pegasus

2. Seminar Room

この入口を入って真っ直ぐ行くと、私がCPRL Seminarの授業を受けていた教室です。中はこんな感じ。

Upon entering and going straight, here is my CPRL Seminar room.

3. Library


On the same floor we have a library. Composed of individual booths so more convenient and better to concentrate than SIPA's library?



The only issue is that I was excluded from here during the exam period (only open to Law students).

4. Meeting Place

ここはミーティングなどをするスペース。左にいくとLenfest Cafeというここも私が毎日のようにお世話になった場所があります。

Used as a meeting place. If you go to the left, there is a Lenfest Cafe where I ate lunch almost every day.

Columbia LawのWebsiteをさっと眺めてみたのですが、通常のコースワークのほかに、Clinicというクライアントへのコンサルのようなプロジェクトが1つの特色みたいですね。さらにNegotiation Workshopといった交渉術なんかも人気のようです!

Just by looking at the website, I noticed in addition to regular courseworks Columbi Law has Clinical program and Negotiation Workshop seemed very popular.

5. Fifth Floor


Going up, fifth floor where we had a team/client meeting. Most of the floors have same colors of tables, chairs and rugs. Much solemnity!!

6. Ninth Floor


The other day we had a last meeting with client over the phone. This is the view from the meeting room on the 9th floor.


Do you like these pics? Buildings are basically open to everybody during the weekdays, so feel free to come in and experience the atmosphere!


So my fall semester is over, but I still wake up around 2am and now preparing for the research next semester. Will elaborate on that plus reflection on this semester in the coming posts!!


