
Reflection on Spring 2017 semester

This post is about reflection on spring 2017 semester! Below is the previous one.

●Macroeconomics (Prof. Thomas Groll)

Organization: ★★☆☆☆
Contents: ★★★☆☆
Workload: ★★★☆☆
Relevance: ★★★☆☆
Explanation: ★★☆☆☆
Satisfaction: ★★★☆☆

マクロ経済の基礎である、GDPの構成からFiscal/Monetary Policyがそれにどのように影響を及ぼすかについて、Great Recessionや東日本大震災などの事例を用いて分析。

We learned from composition of GDP to how different fiscal & monetary policies affect it, using case studies of Great Recession and great earthquake in Japan. It was a pity that mostly the lecture was unilateral (not that interactive) and sometimes the contents of problem sets were not covered by the lecture.

●Education Policy and the Management of Introduction (Prof. Carolyn Riehl)

Organization: ★★★★★
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★★★☆
Relevance: ★★★★★
Explanation: ★★★★☆
Satisfaction: ★★★★★

教育政策の政策と実務の乖離を埋めるという観点から、連邦・州・自治体政府の役割、教員評価・リーダーシップ等の政策の潮流について学習。Top-down, one-size-fits-all的な政策アプローチを批判的に分析し、どうすれば教育政策が現場にポジティブな変化をもたらせるのかについて議論。


Analyze a variety of education policies from the role of fed to teacher education, school leadership etc., with a focus on how to reconcile policy and practice. Cricial of top-down and one-size-fits-all approach, we discussed how policies can make positive changes in schools and classrooms ultimately.
I could see clearly the connection between the reading and lecture/dicussion in each section. Moreover, through the three assignments I could incorporate what we learned into an analysis of specific policies that I chose.

●Quantitative Analysis 2 (Prof. Alan Yang)

Organization: ★★★★☆
Contents: ★★★☆☆
Workload: ★★★★☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★☆☆
Satisfaction: ★★★★☆


To have a deeper understanding of quantitative analysis necessary for policymaking, we learned what challenges we might be faced with when conducting a research and how to cope with them.
Through the group project, we devised the research design, run the regression using the dataset, and analyze the results, which was a great culmination of this course.

●Higher Education Policy and Development in Asia (Prof. Alessia Lefebure)

Organization: ★★★★☆
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★★★☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★★★
Satisfaction: ★★★★★


With a focus on Asian countries, this course gave a comprehensive picture of how each country focuses on higher education as a driver of economic growth etc. and how to cope with globalization.
Especially I liked my classmates' presentation a lot because each of them elaborated on real narratives and issues in each Asian country. The professor now left SIPA and will teach in France, so I was very fortunate to become one of her last students at SIPA.

●Governing the 21st Century City (Prof. Ester Fuchs)

Organization: ★★★☆☆
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★★☆☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★☆☆
Satisfaction: ★★★★☆

実際にBloomberg Administrationで働いていた教授からの、政策の綺麗事では上手くいかない点、どのようにbureaucracyの停滞を打破するのかといったリアルな語り口が非常に印象的で、教育政策というものを他の分野との関連で捉える良い機会にもなった。

Starting from "What is city?", this course covered a variety of topics related to urban policy from democracy, budget, bureaucracy, sustainability, education to health care, using case studies in New York City.
The professor, who worked in the Bloomberg Administration, gave a real narrative of how policies work and sometimes don't work, how to deal with bureaucracy which could be an impediment to policymaking. This was also a great opportunity to see how education and over policy arenas relate to each other.

●A Typical Day in Last Semester

Below is a rough time schedule in Spring 2017 semester.

 7:00 起床、着替え、洗濯 Getting up, changing clothes, going to the laundry room
 7:30 朝食 Breakfast
 8:15 皿洗い、洗濯干し Washing dishes, hanging clothes
 8:50 妻がTeachers Collegeの英会話に(2時間娘の面倒) Wife going to ESL course offered by TC (me taking care of baby in the meanwhile)
 9:40 おやつタイム、掃除 Snack time, cleaning up
10:40 家出発 Leaving home
10:55 Teachers Collegeで妻にストローラーを託す Passing the baby and stroller to my wife
11:00 授業(Governing the 21C City) Lecture
12:50 授業終了 Lecture over
13:00 昼食(妻の作ってくれた弁当) Lunch (lunchbox made by wife)13:30 図書館へ、課題の勉強 Going to library, studying
17:50 大学発 Leaving university
18:00 帰宅 Going back home
18:30 夕食 Dinner
19:15 歯磨き Brushing teeth
19:30 風呂 Bathing
20:00 就寝(寝たふりだがそのまま寝落ちすることも・・・) Going to bed (pretending to do so but sometimes falling asleep)
21:00 起床、勉強再開 Getting up and restarting study
24:00 (真の)就寝 (True) Going to bed

I sometimes study until 3-4 am especially during the exam period

I know that it is extremely hard to have dinner and a bath with my baby by oneself, so I tried to go back home until 6pm as frequently as possible.



In addition, I tried to make the most of limited time (3 hours) because I cannot keep on concentrating from morning to midnight. Also, my strategy of finishing each assignment three days before the due date and then reviewing until the last minute worked very well, especially mentally.

I'll share in the coming posts my thoughts on what to do before graduation and going back to Japan!




